Headly Deadly for Android
Danas testirao na Nexus festu, zadovoljan sam igrom...momcima iz FourGame Studija želim sreću u daljnjem radu..
Great game, waiting for more levels!
Here bc Harun. Poz
Great game
Kako sam i reko na nexus festival u tuzli skinut ću je i uživat
Ubacite checkpoints, dosadi kad moras uvijek ispocetka
Hi guys, congrats on your new game. Its great and to keep users engadged I wrote down some suggestions to improve.. Optimization (game size too big also), incosistent UI, sound effects bugs etc...
One of the best of the best
I love it, this game is very entertaining! Greaaat
Awesome crazy game :) keep up the good work
Nice fitovci
Na trenutnom nivou na kojem se ova igra nalazi je pomalo dosadna. To je moje mišljenje kojeg sam stekao nakon 4 pređene staze, možda je to pomalo rano reći, ali mislim da bi igra trebala da bude zanimljiva od samoga početka a ne kada vrijeme odmakne... Slaba tačka su oni panjevi koji iskaču iz zemlje jer nakon par ponavljanja staze njihova lokacija se napamet nauči pa ne predstavljaju neku prepreku, a tako je i sa ostalim elementima, to jest prilikom ponavljanja ništa se ne mjenja što doprinosi monotoniji.
Lovin' the idea!!!
..definitely worth trying...not easy at first but after playing for a while you get use to it..love the games where you get a bit angry :D ...it makes it even more enjoyable...great graphics and cool sound effects... keep up the good work guys !!!
A good game with a higher difficulty level then the casual games you see out there. If you are up for a challenge, then try the app ;)
It actually made my heart pump faster, and body to twitch afther I lost a life :D Game cought my full attention, considering that I'm not into games :)
Very nice game, good graphics and nice background sound. Good job guys
I love it
Great game
Great game...
It was a challenge to pass all the levels , but boy did i enjoy it. Great game!
Great game, waiting for more levels!
Teška brate ali volim challenge
Kako sam i reko na nexus festival u tuzli skinut ću je i uživat
Kick ass game :-D
by T####:
U odnosu na Vucicevu aplikaciju vi ste 0, nikada necete doci do nivoa na kome je njegova app, to je car od coveka. Vucicu jebi mi zenu!