Soccer Quiz for Android
Muy desactualizado
Very good apps..but there is a problem..when the questions be over I immediately touch back and then I can ask questions again
I like playing this game. It is sooooo fun
Max gradel does not play for west ham. Shocking .
Very good
Max gradel does not play for west ham. Shocking .
Cool game
Defenetley looks better than flappy bird
Muy desactualizado
Plenty good questions! Great quiz
Silly questions and a couple of them are rather inaccurate
Football questions and your asking players numbers and age and what city they were born Wtf!
Brill game
I love this game!! Liverpool..!! Suarez
by G####:
The online play is brilliant. I feel the questions could be broadened a bit as there are too many about age. Also a wider range of leagues.