Innocent Bane

Innocent Bane Free Game

Rated 4.21/5 (1,323) —  Free Android application by FINGAR STUDIO Inc.

About Innocent Bane

Tokyo is being ravaged by monsters in Innocent Bane!

Players win dynamic battles to protect the city by pulling and slinging 400 unique characters against enemies.You'll embark on quests, go on raids, and cooperate with friends to take on tough bosses!

▶ Attractive anime graphics
▶ Epic story line featuring super-powered kids
▶ 'Pull and sling!' action with easy controls
▶ Tons of quests and side quests
▶ Lots of Multiplayer content including PvE Boss Raids and PvP Battles--cooperate or compete with your friends
▶ Collect more than 400 characters. Enhance, evolve, and mutate them to make them stronger
▶ Make strategies with your own unique team, by combining the abilities and skills of each character

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※ Innocent Bane is available in English.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Innocent Bane version 1.0.4 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:, download Innocent Bane.apk

All Application Badges

Good rating
Android game

Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Updates to Version 1.0.4
- Fixed bugs
Updates to Version 1.0.3
- Added New Package Merchandise
- Added New Crystal Package Merchandise
- Added New Features
- Added new Clash boss stages
- Added New Episode Mode "Akagi Platoon"

What are users saying about Innocent Bane

by F####:

The game is great and I love the style but two issue one you need a replay function. Grinding out exp books and Evol gems is a pain when your sent to the title screen every time. 2 I'm coler blind so it be great if you add a symbol to the character card like a leaf for wood or a drop for water.

by D####:

Actually the app is pretty good and addictive..Even though I played only for one day.. I got a bug that didn't allow me get through the loading screen..One more point is that if you dont'l login automatically into the game..then you can say bbye to your characters and the reason is that you can't find your ID without actually being in the game.Glad that I didn't waste money on this.. I rated this so low only cause of your support system..It just sux :) Have a nice day.

by D####:

I have to say that this game is probably the most balanced one I have tried so far. It allows you to do everything without having to p2w, which is annoying in my opinion, does it need some grind? Yes but it is done just right to not be extremely tidious. Maybe the gatcha could give more SR but I can't complain much because I've been lucky so far. Keep up the good work guys!

by K####:

It like a combination of billards and chess. If that is hard​ to comprehend... basically you shoot your characters around like billards balls and use skills that attack in patterns like chess pieces. Graphics are pleasing to the eye and has decent gameplay value. Control might disoriented you at first so here a hint use like a sling shot.

by E####:

The game's graphics and gameplay blew my mind to be honest. I wish there was more Lore of each character. The materials are hard to grind for, but that's what makes it worth getting that awesome SSR evolution or leveling your Favorite characters. I would recommend a Guild system, and More Lore books for the other teams Characters. I would fully recommend this game to anybody since its really fun and addicting.

by D####:

I really love this game! It has adorable characters, addictive gameplay, and a good storyline. But... It keeps kicking me out after, and sometimes before, missions. As I've said, I love this game, so it would really be appreciated if this problem could be fixed.

by D####:

This game has a lot of potential. Some issues prevent it from being aces. The leveling system seems far too expensive and difficult to use effectively. A lot of things aren't clearly explained (like luck, the ultimate level system, using special skills in combat). There's quite a lot to do, which is excellent. I wish levels were clearer in what hazards existed and I wish characters were clearer in what they neutralized.

by D####:

(Fixed? I think) Well first of all, Stuck at a white screen. I decided to re-download this game becuase the visuals and gameplay got my attention. But I see there's alot of problems with loading screens and such. Only problem I'm having today is getting passed the white screen at startup. Rating it 5 because visually pleasing, Though I hope fixes will be made. I want to play :c

by Z####:

Innocent Bane is an amazing game when it works. Lots of fun with engaging and fun characters. But the game keeps bugsplatting me by not allowing me to drag my characters and rendering me useless. This is very annoying in group battles since when I relog to fix the problem I get kicked out. Please help me,

by W####:

It's an ok game... Doesn't really make any sense at all in what your supposed to do and also leveling becomes an extreme pain costing so much. Gotta fix a few things.

by L####:

Rigged premium gacha. I did two ten plus one summons and got all 22 to be the min rare three star summons. And their like five bux each. Shameful to make something and lure people in but not want to keep them. And I'm not the only one getting this result. The only way to get ssr is a guaranted from special bundle purchase, otherwise its like 2 percent for sr, or 1/100 percent for ssr. Not fun, not satisfied. So the update now has a gachas or packs that habe guaranteed ssr, which is suoer cool, good job. Yet I spent all my money on the worthless gachas pre update so I'm unsatisfied. And giving everyone ssr galore free can be a bummer as their watered down not worth anything no reason to buy. Hard to find the balance, but I'm playing again at least...

by D####:

This game is just down right amazing! It got right what other similar games just could not pull off. 20 stars out of 10 I love it!

by O####:

Overall I liked it but I dislike the system you use when I have to get those crystals to modify my characters. I have to pointlessly wait for players to join me to take on the mission and this makes me annoyed because I could probably do it alone in all honesty.

by D####:

Just one thing. I love this game but it just keep crashing in the middle of a fight. I would love it if you can just fix this problem.

by F####:

I like the game but I accidentally deleted the data then when I try to recover it it's asks for a code but I never knew anything about and I also don't want to repeat cause all of my puchases and my Srr pull will disappear pls tell me what to do

by Z####:

Fingar studios mentioned on their website "A gamer doesn't need 100 different type of games, just a single game that leaves an influential mark. Fingar wishes to create that special, single game." This game however, contradicts their vision. This is a great game with gorgeous art and a very addicting gameplay. However, the AP system prevents me from enjoying this game. When you first start, AP is abundant from quick rank ups and early missions cost relatively low AP. Once you reach the mid 30s in rank, it gets rather difficult to enjoy. I love the gameplay so much I expect to spend an hour or 2 playing when I open the app. The current AP system is so ridiculously broken that playing just ONE of the event missions consumes more than 60% of your stamina. Playing multi-player doesn't give enough AP and crystals are too rare to spend on refills. You get at most 15mins of playtime every 2 hours before the AP system decides to screws you. For someone who only play games once a day for 2 hours, this is not enough time to enjoy it and I would rather spend that time sitting through something else longer.

by D####:

I recently just downloaded the game and had a great time with the game (only played less than a day), but after closing the app then only to open it a bit later, it was stuck on the home screen with a infinite load. I stayed and waited for the load until 20 minutes have passed. Is there a way to fix this?

by D####:

Game keeps crashing. I enjoyed what I could play, but load times are pretty bad. So I just can't recommend this game in this state.

by D####:

The game is stuck on the loading screen. This is the second time this happened I want to enjoy the game but it won't let me.

by D####:

I find the shielded guys to be very unfair. How am I suppose to beat the match with any rank above a c?

by I####:

I love the story and how each charecter has there own past you can read about. I also like the "slingshot" style gameplay. It is just a great game and i cant stop playing it

by D####:

Great game. It was lots of fun while I could play but for the last few days I've been stuck at the loading screen, if that were fixed I'd give a better score.

by D####:

I really adore this game, it is the best game I have ever played ^^ Though I got a bug that didn't allow me to get IG 2 days until now ((White Screen loading)) , I wanna play this game more and more please fix this issue ;_;

by L####:

I can't do this. Every time I try to do a mission it closes. It does this frequently and I can't enjoy the game. When I try to log back in and continue where I left off it always closes preventing me from continuing. It has gotten to the point to where all I can do it look at my units, get login bonuses and check my settings. I can't actually play and enjoy the game. I want to play but the game itself won't let me. I have tried playing on two of my devices. Both times it has failed.

by D####:

Still love the game! Love the new update however it takes quite a lot of battery, maybe the next update will optimise the games consumption of battery :)

by N####:

Well it seemed like it would be a cool game to play, but when I start downloading the patch, it just says "network error" over and over and over, so please tell me how to fix this.

by D####:

This game is addicting, and it's like I want to play forever. Does units also comes in story mode? I wanted to catch a unit in the story mode. But I couldn't

by T####:

Ya'll need to put a skip thing when u have too much AP because I have over 700 AP. And everytime I waste some of it I get more. Do a skip thing that give a certain amount of gold, material, and exp. For each stage .

by A####:

Thanks for presenting the solutions to my problem of being unable to play the game. :)

by D####:

I like the game, but it keeps crashing after 5-10 min

by A####:

Why does it keep crashing after like ten minutes

by B####:

The higher to get evolution materials is good but you be able to synthesize lower rank materials into higher rank materials

by D####:

Edit: 2 weeks of playing and I fully came to understand the game mechanics. Concepts are very easy to grasp on and I'm loving the new and improved luck system.

by A####:

The gameplay is excellent and thankfully it is because the writing/translation is trash tier.

by D####:

This game is extremely addictive. I like all the different characters available, too!

by D####:


by D####:

LOVE THIS GAME SOOO MUCH! I recommend it to anyone! ❤ Great graphics! Very colorful too!

by T####:

Want to play this game but i couldn't.

by D####:

Can we chat with the players

by D####:

I'm a gamer and I like this game

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