Feudfan - Wordfeud tracker for Android
Use to work like a charm. Now, won't let me log in?? Tried resetting pw & email. Still doesn't work. Pls fix!!! Other than that, great job
Hopeless. What are you idiots doing. Still can't log in. What a waste of effort
Will not let me login.
Doesn't work any longer
Can't login
Had this app with old phone...can't login...can't change password.
I used to be able to log in on this app but now all the sudden I can't log in it either says set my email and/or password it's wrong but it's the same as I've been using forever... I hadn't you have some time and now I see why I wasn't using it anymore. When it was working I love it, what happened to it?
This app used to be very good now it doesn't recognize password or email address. Been installing and uninstalling in the hope that the app has been sorted out. Unfortunately it hasn't!!!
Had this app with old phone...can't login...can't change password.
Got new phone samsung galaxy s4. Will not let me login. Will not let me finish entering my email address on the login prompt. Stops after 7 characters. Please advise.
I had this on my Samsung Ace but now I've got an Xperia Z and I can no longer log in to this app, even after having changed my password and email address. Will have to uninstall
This app works perfectly on both my ipods, but has never worked on my Galaxy. I even changed my password in wordfeud settings, and it still says it's invalid. How many people have to complain about the same thing before something gets done?
It won't let me enter my password, so can't log in. Liked it in my SG2 though.
It was working great on my S4. Now I can't log in. Fix please and I will re rate it.
I use to love this app but now I can't log in. Will give a five when it's fixed
Cannot login with email, even after password reset. Has been working great up to yesterday. Sgs+
App was awesome, but now, like all these other reviews, I can't login anymore on my Note 4.
Is better than the Word Feud built in statistics, but stopped working. I can't log in now. Please fix
Use to work like a charm. Now, won't let me log in?? Tried resetting pw & email. Still doesn't work. Pls fix!!! Other than that, great job
I would give it 5 stars if I could login..
Can't register because I can't type my email! Please fix. Galaxy 3
Won't let me finish entering my password then app force closes, galaxy s3 mini
I have had many login problems. Haven't been able to log on in over a week. Please fix this problem. I have the galaxy note 2
Works great. Had problem switching stats to normal board only mode, but cleared app data and logged back in and all is well!
Slow performance and not suited for different screen resolutions, but still the best statistics app for Wordfeud! Good job
Otherwise. Rank is pretty pointless. It doesn't account for the difficulty of your opponents. Win percent isn't that cool because you control it by how hard your opponents are. Strictly for tracking records with friends.
Just downloaded this again, only to find it doesn't work anymore. Please fix!
Unable to log in for weeks. It use to work well.
Haven't been able to log in once : ( uninstall....
This app used to be very good now it doesn't recognize password or email address. Been installing and uninstalling in the hope that the app has been sorted out. Unfortunately it hasn't!!!
It's a lot more smoother now which is great...also the fact that my rank has now increased to #9 !
After update.....won't open!!!! Please fix
Can't type in my email.
It doesn't calculate your ranking from every game you play, only people on your friends list. Half job done. Not good enough.
Cant open the app. Tried entering my email and password but still wont open. Frustrating.
Used this application for a while now...have no issues
Will not let me login.
Still glitchy after 15 months
Inspite of entering correct password, it fails to login.. Need to work on it and plz impove UI also
by I####:
Works great. Had problem switching stats to normal board only mode, but cleared app data and logged back in and all is well!