英雄顶尖对决-魔力时代 for Android
为何开不到女神雅典娜 告诉我 利用系统BUG?怎么处理?
Almost every updates, I encounter unable to connection to server, unable to login, and so and so forth until new updates required that rectified the exact same issue on every single updates over and over again. Can you guys Please look into the matter. Thanks
Hi,after i upgraded to the latest version im not able to buy diamond through the google store.help needed ti resolve it.thx
我已经彻底对你们很失望了! 写了那么多我号游戏里的资料不对。写了又写,等了又等,明明写了vip9,资料不对而且让我全部东西掉包,vip9也降到4。还问回我?! 恭喜!!你们已经让我等到不想玩下去了。恭喜!!!你们少了一个像我这样不起眼的玩家。这么离谱的状况也不尽快解决给我! 祝!!一直让游戏出状况的你们生意兴隆。
System bug and blame on player. And don't give back refund
我已充值6天了, 第7天应该可以得到装备和衣装(7天)。。游戏有bug就变成拿不到了。。我充值6天就是为了第7天礼,不然我为了什么去充值!!! GM!!快给我补回第7天,不然退回已充值的6天钱!
weak management 客服超烂 游戏出了问题用封号解决问题
很多进钱玩家已经被封号了,本来我以为是那些玩家玩bug 被封号,原来不是!其实是这个(魔力时代/efunfun)系统出现bug,只有进钱玩家就会遇到系统 bug,我已经进了 rm1500左右,vip 9,但是一封号就完蛋了,如果要拿回账号要进多千多,本人现在才明白,做么有酱多人投诉(魔力时代)系统问题!原来就是这样,希望大家只是玩爽爽,别丢钱了~说到这里,祝大家游戏愉快~
GM 不事先检查系统是否有bug就让活动开始,出现bug后就说玩家利用bug套利,查封帐号。无辜扣除一些玩家自己辛苦升起来的9级宝石,现在还可以把一个vip9的玩家扣完vip,等级只剩17级。如果你们不把玩家当客户的话请明说,我们可以马上脱离游戏
Dont top up, worst company ever
自己的系统出bug,多给了一定的钻石,说玩家利用系统BUG,封号。让后希望玩家以优惠的价格买下!优惠之后还要几千USD啊,你以为玩家都是印钞票的?那么坑爹!还不起钱就要删除同等钻的道具/装备。直接感觉被骗了! 我玩到vip14了,客服一直在拖,说啃了马上解封,不然需要时间解决问题!封号30几小时了还没解决! 要储值的你们要考虑清楚!
can't in game even
rubbish management can u all settle the problem faster? dun simply block ppl account, brainless is it? act like a sohai and do sohai thing pui lapsap company
Have game bug when ppl buy cash say that we missuse game bug then ask u to pay for their mistake
Game occured error and bug, the company froze our account and put the blame on players that pay cash to play their game. Going over to other games
No doubt it is an excellent game with a lot of functions in place. Definitely a great game. BUT IT GOT SCREWED by a lousy company. Too many event bugs. The company only wants to make money from the game. Bugs here bugs there bugs bugs everywhere. Wasted the potential. Did not take care of the players. Took forever to resolve a problem sent by players. Rewards for server down time is pathetic. Taiwan or China server is better. DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS GAME SERVER!
Hi,after i upgraded to the latest version im not able to buy diamond through the google store.help needed ti resolve it.thx
Equiment they give is only white or green can't see blue one. Their monster i think is wearing more highest than mine!
Just as title,dont get into this game ever!
Almost every updates, I encounter unable to connection to server, unable to login, and so and so forth until new updates required that rectified the exact same issue on every single updates over and over again. Can you guys Please look into the matter. Thanks
Discounted always ,fortunately i have never top up for your rubbish's game
Facebook graph is null?solve this prob ASAP,stuck at fb log in page,can't enter my game
Why cannot login again? after update ? bad mood!!!
keep come out inbalance event that make normal player better than vip player
Reinstall also no functions!
Can help me..i cant log in..
by M####:
Facebook graph is null?solve this prob ASAP,stuck at fb log in page,can't enter my game