About Uber Ubur
Ya, hanya dengan menyentuh layar, kamu sudah bisa menjalankan game yang sederhana namun sangat adiktif.
Serunya, saat Ubur-Ubur yang kamu kendalikan meng-uber sebanyak-banyaknya bintang emas. oops, awas ada rintangan batuan karang lautan, kamu harus juga gesit dalam menghindar.
Sangat mudah dimainkan bersama teman dan keluarga, dari mulai anak-anak sampai dengan orang dewasa, tunjukkan score tertinggi kamu kepada mereka, dan nikmati kesenangan bersama dengan orang terdekat anda.
Yes , just by tapping the screen , you can run this simple but very addictive game.
It's very exciting , when Jellyfish that you control, clicking as many gold stars . you must avoid obstacles rocks ocean , you should also adroit at dodging .
It's easy to play with your friends and family , from children to adults, show it to them your high score , and enjoy the fun with the people closest to you . Yes, just by touching the screen, you can run a simple game but very addictive.
He cried, when Jellyfish that you control uber clicking as many gold stars. oops, look no barrier reefs of the ocean, you should also adroit at dodging.
It's easy to play with friends and family, from children to adults, the highest score you show it to them, and enjoy the fun with the people closest to you.
Yes, just by tapping the screen, you can run this simple but very addictive game.
It's very exciting, when Jellyfish that you control, clicking as many gold stars. you must avoid obstacles rocks ocean, you should Also Adroit at dodging.
It's easy to play with your friends and family, from children to adults, show it to them your high score, and enjoy the fun with the people closest to you.