Cheese Factory Chef Fever

Cheese Factory Chef Fever Free Game

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Cooking Club

About Cheese Factory Chef Fever

Factory games for kids are always loved by food lovers as they involve great working of star chef and satisfy cooking fever of foodies. cooking bakery items in the factory is full of fun for kids and girls. new generation loves fast food that's why they are curious to know that how their favorite food is being made in the factory. cheese is vastly used in fast food such as cheese sandwich, burger and cheesecake, so all fast food lovers are always excited about how to make cheese. so let's reveal some cheese facts and start your own cheese maker factory and become a hero factory owner among the whole shop empire.
Collect fresh milk from dairy farm through machines. Cow's milk is great for making awesome cheese in the factory's kitchen. Run your factory efficiently and keep your standard high that is based on fresh milk collected by dairy farm. Take this milk to your cheese maker factory where all machinery, tools are waiting to make the best cheese of universe.
Heat the milk and boil it. Add vinegar and citric acid into the boiling milk and boil it until whey completely gets separated by the curd. Use strainer to separate the curd and whey. collect all curd in a container to pass it through further steps.
Slowly heat the curd to get extra whey out and it also helps the curd in uniformity. Once you get all whey out, cheese is almost ready, all you need is to apply few steps further. Pressurize the raw cheese in your kitchen to create uniformity in it. Apply pressure at least three times so that it can be ready. Spray preservatives on it so that germs cannot affect the cheese easily and it can stay longer.
Wrap the cheese in aluminium foil to keep it fresh. Then pack into the boxes to send them to the supermarket, shopping malls and restaurants etc. Load cartons on the truck and send it to sale so that your customers can have fresh cheese directly from your kitchen to their doorstep.
Eat the cheese in shape of pizza, burger, sandwich or cheesecake. Cheese is also great for your health so have it daily in your food schedule. Kitchen looks incomplete without yummy and delicious cheese so be a star chef and make your own cheese for you and your family. stay blessed.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Cheese Factory Chef Fever version 1.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.cookingclub.cheesefactorycheffever, download Cheese Factory Chef Fever.apk

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