Ace Ferrara & The Dino Menace for Android
Dinos and space... What a great game!
Great dog fights, witty dialogs and .. dinosaurs. What else do you need? It's an amazing game!
I know it was cheesy but that cartoon telling me to rate was great I love this game.
Retro cartoonism and story are amazing! Good variety of ships through out story. Once you get the hamg of it the game is a blast! This game at the price are a steal!! Must buy for anyone!!
Not sure I liked the restricted movement from the sides only, but it's fun and funny and in the end that is all that matters
lots of good and fun content. perfectly balanced little space adventure to enjoy while waiting for the bus.
Humorous homage to the space operas of the eighties as well as a fun game. Highly recommended.
The vastness of space is an awesome place to shoot some Dino scum.
Great game!
Reminds me of Wing Commander and my childhood
I had a lot of fun with this fun Saturday morning cartoon/Wing Commander-esque mashup, but ran into a strange problem with cloud saving. Whenever the app attempts to log in for a cloud save it hangs on a "Connecting..." screen and I have to restart the app. Not a big deal, but kind of a hassle to be able to both save and stay logged in for achievements.
it is not only looking stunning, the controls are also both really intuitive and still allow for a lot of different maneuvers. on top of that, in between the crispy short missions there are hilarious little dialogs and a neat story told with a great sense of humor! this is so worth that few bucks!
Just a really great game with a hilarious art style!
One of the best mobile games for space lovers!
Great shooter filled with dinosaurs, lasers and barrel rolls. But it's the witty dialogues, funny characters and extraordinary love for details that really make it special. Highly recommended!
by Z####:
This thing is nearly there for Android TV support. Would pay for an update which adds support.