Happy Capsa for Android
Menang Digit, Sekali kalah Bangkrut padahal kartu receh doank tanpa bomb lg !!!
Mau menang 1 billion jg lu kalah nya langsung banyak
Habis uang terlalu cepat, dan sistem suka maksa kita keluarin kartu yg kita ga mau.
Ukuran kartunya terlalu besar, dan terlalu banyak warna mencolok. Pusing untuk di lihat.
so bore
Plus more money
Good for rest time !!
Give more bonus
Love it
Uninstall !!! Developer goblokk
Even you have 25 M, so the developer want you to buy coin from the game with real money. Monetary in free games nowadays.
Mantap tapi bantuan bangkrutnya cuma dikit
Uninstall !!! Developer goblokk
Ga bisa main sama temen sendiri
Macam sial game..menang dapat sikit..kalah bankrup teros..babi..uninstall
Bintang kecil dilangit yang biru
Masa taruhan 20 k gw kalah lgsg ilang duit gw 6 juta?? bodoh amet??
Saya sudah isi ulang buat chips, saldo kepotong tapi chips ga nambah. Kembalikan uang saya.
di lollipop game lancar saat masuk loby, masuk room pasti ngelag. 1 star aja, buruk bner
Nice Game
Very goood
Ka chip habis kan tunggu 10 menit.... paa buka masih aja 10 menit gimana sih nih game
It nya idiot bgt.
Upgrade apaan, makin jelek.... tolol!
Chip hbis pning kple mncri.
Interface is OK. But there are a lot of feature gone missing that makes less fun: the cards sound effect, hard to claim play bonus, cards too big, after game review. Card change effect is a mess too. Please fix it.
Update apaan ni, tmbah jelek
by N####:
Always bankcrupt, no matter how much money do we have if we lost in the big card, we lost at all.