Football Saga Fantasista for Android
Keep improving the animation detail ,n give cute girls. I thin you need to give maintenance information in this game and give percentage number for loading or update so we can monitor the progress
Udah ga ada update. Jarang ada event, dan entah punya community manager atau enggak. Player ngomong sampai berbusa juga nunggu tahun depan balasnya.
Ga ada sesuatu yg baru , lama2 bakalan ditinggalin nih game klo dev ga keluarin fitur baru yg menarik ... cuma mengulang2 regen dsb ..
skill bagus gak ngaruh di pertandingan, masa' ada pemain baru yg skill-nya jauh dibawah tiba2 jadi MOM trus nge-golin terus -_-"! trus achievement(googleplay)nya gak berfungsi
Sangat penasaran dengan game ini..selesai download ini game..bukan bisa di mainin..malah cuma muncul org lari-lari aja...gile 156mb cm dpt orang lari2 aja
Ngga bisa masuk, cuma gambar org lari mulu sejak dulu. Pdhl penasaran banget, hape saya infinix hot 2. Tolong petunjuknya
Kapan ya liga lain di buka, kalo bisa ada captain n pelatihnya.... biar persis kya FS....
Gak ada guide buat upgrade kartunya...evolve dari bintang 1 ke 2 dst...gak ada library cardnya...terus percuma dari awal kita main disuruh pilih posisi kalo di tengah2 game kita bisa ganti posisi seenaknya...kebanyakan pada mau jadi striker, biar dapet trophy personal....terus siapa yang mau jadi kiper/ ngebosenin mainnya gitu2 terus....teamnya gak rata pemain, jelas yang keluarin duit buat recharge yang menang lah....buat beli gold, kartu+equip dewa....
Need something changes in this game
Pada kena april mop, gak bisa masuk sama sekali.... makin gak jelas nih... parah parah....
Same old problem, same old story
Same like the old fs problem
Karya anak bangsa ya begini ini
Ga bisa masuk game.. parah neh
Love it.. But i can't change league, stuck in english. Is it possible to change league?
Bangga denganbuatan indonesia
Kok gak bisa masuk, loading mulu ???
keren gamenya
I thinks it's a great game
Ot will be a nice game
Good Mirip fs
Awesome game
good game
good game
Generally good
Good game Good game
Love it
Loved it
This game constantly nags you with notifications. Not silent notifications, no the annoying ones where your phone blinks. The worst ones are when you see notifications telling you there is a game you need to prepare for... sure I'll prepare my squad when I'm sleeping. Uninstalled.
I'd like this game... But Please.. I've So difficult to get some consumable,. Why there's no shop or any auction for transaction with other player...? And why we can't see other club in/or other leagues.. My money is useless...i've 4.M,but i don't know what it's use for? we can't shooping with that's money.. Need more eq,.. Please.. make this game more perfect...
Bit more work. On things to do, like training only gives you a small amount you can do before it just takes time off
always got to retry because of bad connection .. please fix this .. cant enjoy this game, because of that .. other game is good with my connection .. only this game have this problem ..
by S####:
Masih dijajal. I was try to reset my character. Too bad. Can not re-use the name. I'm deleting the game.