Dead Reckoning: Broadbeach for Android
Yes "accents" and dialog are cheesey but I've played games with far worse. Transport map ok. Does the trick. Games are often longer than usual but easier to understand the instructions so, to me, feel more playable than some of the elaborate minis you can't figure out the instructions for. Overall good game with short bonus. Icons for collectible microphones. Deducted one star due to combination of some minor glitches and restarts as well as being a shorter game. Value ok but not great. Worth playing though.
Game was fair for the sale price (higher than advertised north of the border). Downloaded easily and ran smoothly. It's just so same 'ol, same 'ol so I can't really give too high a rating.
Ho hum SO dull i really couldn't be bothered to finish , it's another disappointment from BF. I'm getting to the stage I'm afraid when this is becoming the norm. There is no excitement and sparkle in the storyline and seems churned out just to get our dosh. Try harder big fish cos the people will revolt.
I want a refund. Every time i go back in to the game it doesnt go where i left off. It stops downloading at 85 %. 3 times this happened and i dont want to play the game over n over to get where i was. Also i have had problems with other game i could not complete n tired of losing money so please refund my 3.00 n take the game back for all i care.
RESORTS, GAMBLING & MAYHEM. ..... Eipix brings us back to reality in this down and dirty detective tale where everyone is shady. The voice accents are just so terrible that it's terrifically funny. You can't help but laugh and you have to wonder if the voice actors did it on purpose. Wait 'til you hear this (there should be an award for really bad voice acting). Anyway; there's no custom difficulty setting (bummer) and no morphs apparently. Our detectives "text thoughts" do not remain. But everything else is here. Teleportation task map and hints, evidence board under "menu", some of the replayable HO's swap for bubbleshoot (replayable MG's too), bonus game, strategy guide, hidden collectibles - (but what the collectibles are is a mystery to me. They're called "tools of the trade" [?]. What? Got me.). The evidence collecting and interview systems are bazaar but investigative fun. You'll get the hang of it. So since we're all familiar with the Eipix formula, the only decision to make is content. If you want to expose the Glitterati on their yachts, beaches and in their casinos - this is the game for you. My preference is fairyland, but you can't have what you want all the time. And honestly, this looks like good fun. This ℹHOAP member gives it a solid three yachts
As usual Melissa is right on the money with this latest installment of the Dead Reckoning collection. (Shut out to Melissa)
YES!!!! EIPIX has done it again! Story plot trying to solve a murder but... the twists and turns are a tad different than the norm. With this you've got a wife and possible mistress and vengeful acquaintances,etc... Along with the perfect graphics that almost made me forget I was playing a game but instead involved in the movie. Like the spouting of water from a dolphin into the pool in the background. Just small details like this are the things I think we forget to appreciate but instead have begun to take for granted. I do enjoy the make believe stories but appreciate this type game too for all the work put in it. Along with that is the teleporting map for quick movement, strategy guide, misc.tool figure hidden throughout the game and bonus content, so you definitely get your money's worth!. One feature I overlooked but would be not have used was the ball shooting game option in the place of the HOS. I personally do the HOS but on occasion will do the Mahjong game. (dang it, the name escapes me, old age gets me. So this H.O.A.P. Guild Co-
Nice graphics, story okay, difficult to pick up items. Fun for the reduced price.
Can't put it down! It's been a long time since a game has me so ingrossed love it
With these Dead Reckoning games when you've played one you've played them all!! They're so alike, the good and the bad and it's a shame cause the graphics really are top notch..
Really bad . This is the first BF game that I've not bought. It was really not up to BF standards.
Not happy game stopped had to uninstalled and start again from beginning
I love how smooth the gameplay is. Storyline is fun. I agree with other reviewers, I prefer fantasy but this is nice for a change.
Dead Reckoning Brodbeach. I loved it all! The series has been fun but very adventurous. Looking forward to seeing more of this series.
"Downloading expansion files" what will take probably abt 2000 years , coz not even started...
Incredibly nonsensical and cumbersome.
Would not go on sd
Good game. I do miss the morphing objects, though.
No complaints. Interesting and some good puzzles.
Another great Big Fish Game!!
Free part was great, wish it was longer
Had a lot of fun playing the game
Good game so far
very boring items hard to pick up
5stars oh
by T####:
It's ok but not what I was expecting it seems that you release a few not so good games them several really good and excellent games what's going on with your team come on please! This really isn't worth the money and had I known that before making the upgrade purchase I really wouldn't have paid but that's just my personal opinion! But come on bf really omg you can definitely do a lot better than this sorry! Hopefully you release a much better one next week. {°¿°}