About Alliando Keren
Alliando semakin keren aja walaupun ggs sudah berlalu namun dia masih menjadi idola di hati penggemarnya, Pemainan ini sangat mudah dimainkan.
Cukup dengan mengumpulkan wajah yang sama minimal 3 buah maka wajah itu akan menghilang, terus diluncurkan setiap wajah sehingga semua wajah menghilang. maka kamu langsung maju ke level berikutnya yang semakin menguji kelihaian kamu dalam mengenali wajah keren alliando.
Selamat Bermain.
Alliando increasingly cool aja although GGS already passed, but he still became an idol in the hearts of fans, this ploy is very easy to play.
Enough to collect the same faces at least 3 pieces of the face would disappear, continue to be launched every face so that all the faces disappeared. then you immediately advance to the next level which is increasingly testing your ability to recognize faces alliando cool.
Have a nice play.
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com.beklahpis.alliandokeren, download Alliando Keren.apk