Fashion Daily - Meet the Ex for Android
Vaghean ye bazie alie hatman danlowd konid
Why not save screen shot in my gallery
It's bakwas game There is nothing to do
Sara hastam bazi jalb hast
I think you all should make more
Love it, so nice I think I download all of this games. Just going to say LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
قشنگ است ولی خیلی جالب نبود چون بی رابطه بود×××××♥♡♥
Wow this game is dope I love it
بد نیست
Hate and boring
It was dumb
Very nice game!
Great for kids .
Ot good
It fun
Thw pictures for the title look great and all but the game is borinf.. all you do is dress up and then they make up
I think it gives girls the confidence and support we need for life and breakups.
I love this game its awesome
Stupid game I hate it
Every time i go on it,it disappears
It's too short and boring!
Awesome game but why so short
اسلا باز نمی کنه
It is a very stupid game
Nice but not perfect and some time sttapd
Really cool
It was fun
Yup it is the worst game ever
عالی خوبه فقط ای کاش لباساش خوشگل تربود
Make me feeling good
So fun
Love it
خیلی بازی خوبیه ممنون ازشما من که خیلی راضی ام من عاشق این سبک بازی هستم بچه ها دان کنید پشیمون نمی شیداینم بقیه ستاره ها *****
by Y####:
Iwant to search any app or game. It in this app.I like this game.And App