Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg

Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg Free Game

Rated 4.27/5 (1,986) —  Free Android application by Battle Software Games

About Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg

O novo melhor game de shinobis da playstore ! Jogabilidades diferentes e com layout de habilidades diferentes para cada batalha , sem desafios chatos apenas as melhores das melhores batalhas do mundo ninja! Execute Jutsus e elimine seus adversários e fique atento para atualizações do game!

O jogo não é de plataformas , é 2d e consiste em um analógico e botões para jutsus , para maior compreensão das habilidades aconselhamos analizar o video propaganda/gameplay oficial.

Se encontrados bugs agradecemos se os mesmos enviassem emails ilustrados com screenshots para nosso email. Para fans de anime como naruto!

Divirtão-se! RPG!
The new best game of the shinobi playstore! Jogabilidades different and with different skills layout for each battle without annoying challenges only the best of the best battles of the ninja world! Run Jutsus and eliminate your opponents and stay tuned for game updates!

The game is not platforms, is 2d and consists of an analog and buttons to jutsus to greater understanding of the skills advise analyze video advertising / official gameplay.

If found bugs thank you if they send emails illustrated with screenshots to our email. For anime fans as Naruto!

if Divirtão!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg version 1.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.battlesoftwaregames.shinobiz, download Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg.apk

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Android game

Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Rpg agora está 100%
Bugs concertados, continuem reportando!
Quest SUPREMA para domar 4 caudas!

What are users saying about Shinobi - Epic Battle Rpg

by V####:

And will you put more levels in story mode?

by F####:

I like this game a lot but I have a few questions and suggestions for you 1:Add new kekki genki 2:Add new jutsus 3:Add puppets 4:ADD JINCURIKYS 5:Make it so the npcs do things like Saskue can upgrade your Sharingan or ten ten can sell you tools if you are the shurikin class 6:Make masters Questions How do you get the 4 tails? How do you finish the zabuza mission How do you become the rank after chunnin because mine is gliched

by Z####:

The game is good but in the sanin exams you cant beat the third part because no one shows up so you cant do s rank missions unless you beat naruto

by J####:

for rpg i was at level 14 and the game kicked me out and when i got back in it put me back all the way to level8 this happend to me for the 3rd time pls fix this i love this game and want to enjoy the full game

by R####:

Amazing but you may want to fix a glitch where if you die in the 8 trigrams palm rotation in RPG mode you'll be using it with no chakra consumption and you can still move

by Z####:

It is great but what do you do when you beat the 4 tails it tells me to find someone to train which someone but I don't know who. Someone help me

by Z####:

Its good but you need to fix the 20 white walkers mission

by R####:

I really....REALLY love this game. It has so much potential and even as it is now, its fun as heck..but please, please uf you see this, could you please patch in a update where the game doesnt crash CONSTANTLY...thats my only problem. Other than that the game is extremely enjoyable in my opinion. Maybe add more moves, obviously add more content XD and also the 'RPG' button, when i click it makes the game freeze. Other than that awsome job. As a naruto fan and as a gamer i love it.

by Z####:

The rpg mode is really good but some things need to be fixed like an area staying the same after you win/lose. It would be cool if the people that finished all of the story mode got to choose more kekkei genkai/natures sense many of them are already made

by K####:

Very good game indeed. How to kill danzo move hit repeat you might get it eventually. Cant wait to be a jinchuuriki next month thank you Battle software games.

by F####:

Please make 2nd of this game its great but...Add more like Ryo,Store,Jutsu School,Training School and Better Gameplay like Bigger map,Able to go other village/Explore the world fight though Opponent More NPC That would be cool alright I hope you create this Because this is the game type that I wanted for 6 years BTW Keep the Character Customaziation And add more like other Hair,Outfit,Skins and maybe Powers like Sharingan And the Shuriken thing you added

by F####:

I love the game but battle software. You know when you fo sharingon theres a second sharingon with two people and and shatingon what does it do and also i cant read what the new updates are and im like theres nothing new why is it updating then. Also can you make other villages like the sand and mist

by E####:

The game is so fu n but on the 2nd battle of the chunin exams in the tower no one appears

by D####:

This the best naruto rpg ever U could make the game more unique by adding more stuff like curse mark or sage mode in rpg mode✌????????????

by J####:

Love the Game! If you could fix the display for note 8 that would awesome!

by Z####:

It's a really good game but you should add mangeykou sharingan also eternal mangeykou sharingan and senju and jinchuriki. Keep up the good games!????????

by Z####:

When do you get your last moves it it 110?

by Z####:

1st of all it a really fun game 2nd of all could you add a chart of there characters to see their abilities and how to use them and what they do 3rd of all there's a bug in the game where whenever I play on 3rd hokage vs Orochimaru I get kicked out of the app it also happens while I'm fighting gaara please fix it

by Z####:

Can i have some tips for sasuke vs danzo?

by K####:

What was the update

by Z####:

It's a good game overall but the problems are that they run kinda slow and in rpg mode there is no one but you and a few more people in the village and lastly you should put more than just sharingan,byakugan and that shuriken thing as selectable Justus. You could add 8 inner gates sage mode and you could also make the people playing jinchuriki

by Z####:

It glitches on danzo vs sasuke. When i kill danzo he comes back with full health. Please fix

by Z####:

This game is really good and I am enjoying rpg mode but do you think you can add like tail beast mode for rpg mode so we can become the tail beast like 1 - 9 tails

by L####:

I have been looking for a Naruto game like this. It is very difficult because the enemies deal lots of damage, but that just meant I had to retry until I figured out how to deal with them. That being said, this game isn't perfect. Sometimes I died by pressing the wrong button, but since the buttons are so close this happens fairly often. I am stuck on the Sasuke vs. Danzo level because it keeps glitching and having Danzo walk out of bounds and never come back or having Sasuke unable to move when I start the level. Sometimes the game would just close itself out or take me back to the menu, although this lessened as I played more. Despite these problems I still recommend this game.

by A####:

i only tive 3 stars cuz we get too weak damage but the cpu gets deadly damage and they have different techniques that do even more damage and are harder to dodge so if you can put new moves i will rate 5 stars, Thanks.

by Z####:

Well when is rpg mode coming out and pls make the story longer with and more Charcters.How do you defeat Danzo

by Z####:

how to kill danzo. it so make long time to kill danzo.l so angery bird and who no to kill danzo tell me ok and ARMY Forever BTS

by Z####:

It will be more interesting if u add the story mode,pvp btw i finish it in half a day .. it so addicted ._.

by Z####:

Fix it because I'm having problems where I can't move even after a couple secs! You need to improve that alot

by Z####:

How do I kill danzo he keeps heaving full heath every time I kill him

by X####:

add free battle mode on the game pls.

by Z####:

It's dumb some times i can not fight it's dum

by Z####:

Best one yet

by Z####:


by Z####:

Best naruto game out there cant wait for rpg mode! The hype is real

by L####:

Can you add more characters like boruto and a fighting mode tho I asked I know you are already going to ???????????????? keep up the good work

by A####:

It the best game I've every played keep it up and add six path naruto and sasuke add the mission when they verse kaguya

by Z####:

Just a little more good graphics, characters and a RPG mode and I will mark it five stars

by Z####:

I can't get pass the second level because the way Garra fought can you please fix that

by Z####:

Best game ever plz add more levels and new modes plz ????????????

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