デジモンリンクス for Android
Super fun I really like this!
Nice game
Good game
面白けどバッテリー超消耗するほか、サムスン最強の s7 edgeでもストレスをすごく感じる
i can’t open after update, it's always force close after bandai logo. i use xiaomi redmi note 2
Cool battle system, easy to play, very fun ^.^ must download!!!!
Most users lost their progress..
I am a fan and I've played it for some time now. But my phone died and I lost my account. Can you help me get my account back? Please..
多くのバグ・エラーは修正する必要があります。ゲームは素晴らしいと懐かしさであります! 戦いをロードするとき%のアイコンが消え、エラーが出てきました。ログアウトを強制しなければなりませんでした。 願未来固有技変更便利,期待。
No weapon equipment, no MP, bored... monotone...
free subtitle please
Ok now better than before but its hard to get mega
What I'm hating about this game is that it's hard to win even when my digimons are fully evolved. The enemy gets more turns and always starts first. Do the creators ever listen to these reviews? Just wondering because the battle is unfair. Weak monsters able to defeat my stronger monsters.
This game is available only in japan... But these player was everywhere from this earth! Including me, i from indonesian and love this game even the language was japanese...
Good game so far, very addictive. But i think you should add another language on this game
Please make the drop rate a bit higher for mega evolution's material
Have no chance to buy rainbow drops
Well done Bandai Namco
Daisuki dayo
Good enough for gameplay but the advent really are....... just making you want to quit the game
Did you make 0.1% Drop rate advent quest? Ur cool dude
extremely low mats drop rates, gacha completely useless, depending on gems for energy refill, time based advent quest with FOKIN IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN WITHOUT USING GEMS, it would be better if i delete this game from my phone
I hope this comes out in english but even if it won't this game is still amazing
Need to add more language, fix bug that keep "stoped working", do not add ad's, less loading more games (i stuck on loading) and more updates . then i give this game 5stars.
Need more items..healing items in battle..
Play for 3 days since advent event yet my advent still 0, very very low drop rates, burn gem for nothing. Better uninstall it and search for better digimon game
Exciting but i cant play it.. stuck on the opening
I Like this game so much :3
error in user coded 86478739, oppo find 7 os 4.4
Love it, great game
by S####:
Bring it to America please