Mouse Simulator for Android
I relly enjoy this game. I think there is only one flaw. Your gender I think you should be able to choose wether you can be male or female. Other than that I love this game and I hope you make more simulators like a robin one. Red Robin YUM jk
This is the best simulator game I have ever gotten!! Even better than the squirrel one! But I may have an idea to make it even better, like make the forest bigger with new terrains add seasons like winter, fall etc maybe more houses and a city far away. And could you guys maybe make a robin simulator like make it related to your games. The robin lives in a nest that you make and it has to journey far away to survive the winter (or be hardcore and try to survive the winter cold). There could be a house that has bird feeders to eat from but there's a cat that you have to escape. That would be really cool if you made a robin simulator. Thanks for this awesome game hope you keep updating it!
Love this game. Hives you a variety of things to do and the golden cheese is a really nice touch. One question, where is the third part of the mousetrap? I've looked in literally every nook and cranny in the cottage and can't find it.
ITS SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I love the way the mouse grabs stuff! I love the graphics. I really like the cottage! Very pretty.Even though the get in the mouse hole button took a little time to get used to it is excellent game =)
This game is awesome the best I would love if there where more games like this I think there should be an eagle one where you can pick color size gender where your nest is and have your children be part of your clan and have fish in the water and for the mouse sim I would love if you could dig a burrow where ever you want to
You guys had made by far the most entertianing simulater that is free. I would like if you keep updating this game with more entertianing fetures forever :).
Amazing. I'd love to see the developers make more games like this. Definitely the best mouse simulator out there. However I have one complaint. For points to buy skins, i randomly loose them all the time. And its not a 'oh i forgot to save' issue. My points just....dissipate. I'll lose anywhere from 5 to 50 at a time. I don't know if its something I'm doing but it can get very irritating.
I put 4 stars because that's not a mouse he lives out side not in side a house it's a rat ok fix your game change the title in to rat simulator i will change 5 stars I promise if you will change ok
I think the game is amazing! You should really make another game! Maybe you could make a game about another prey but a bigger animal or a big preditor. Or a Robin game where the seasons change and you have to travel!
I think, it was cool, and I liked that you could do quests and store food. Just like a real mouse would do! It's pretty good so far. If you are reading this and you haven't downloaded this yet, please download! Just think of what you will be missing :).
Waiting is not my thing. I hate waiting and to get past the waiting you have to play these mini games and watch ads. I hate ads and those mini games
I think it would be better if u could add if we were able to be male or female it would be better and if you are female the male cares for u and there's winter and we hibernate pls add more animal simulators plssss like cat and dog and etc (plssssss read!!!!!????)
I adore this game, this is by far the best of its kind on mobile and if, so far, Gluten Free's games have been dominating, I see a huge potential here! I feel as if this game is miles better than any of GFs ones simply due to the fact that it actually gives you something to do. It's not unrealistically "kill X, kill Y, kill everything", no, you can't even kill most large animals until a really decent level and the main focus is on realistic mousey tasks, such as gathering food and resources and building up a den. I love it. I'd perhaps have a suggestion and that is to make it more intuitive, especially in the beginning. It doesn't say anywhere that food and resources have to be placed specifically inside the storage chamber. I found out by exploring, but I know not everyone is as eager to try things out. And finally. My biggest suggestion for perhaps a new game... I've always hoped to see a meerkat/suricate simulator, as I've grown up watching the popular show, Meerkat Manor and so far, there is NONE, not even one depicting their wondrous lives. If an amazing creator/team such as yourself could do it, then I would be forever grateful <3
This game is amazing and I loved it But why you didn't add more amazing games like this? Like you create a game that you can play as a lizard, I love lizard and I love your game. Please add new updates and games!
Maybe add some people in the house? It woukd make it more realistic and fun. Also more simulator games please! The two you currently have are amazing. How about a bird simulator, wolf, deer, bear, cat, fox, coyote, lion, leopard, and some water ones too like dolphin simulator, shark, seal, whale, penguin, fish, and more. You guys do great with making simulator games so dont stop with just two <3
It is awesome. I have one suggestion though. Can you add a water supply in the cottage, or add a little town. Then that will be the best part of the game. Can you add another game like a bird sim or a bear sim? P.S u do know mice can somewhat climb trees right?
I noticed a problem. .............. You know when u get the mate you can walk with him/her when u climb up small hills the mate gets stuck in it...And speacking of him/her, plz add genders.Thanks for ur time
I enjoyed it until i saw a spider. Im terrified of spiders so i uninstalled If you remove the spiders ill reinsatll
Its good but, its very glichy when outside I hate how you have to wait to play (when sleeping). I love the game and all but its mostly those things plz fix them, thanks. - random rainbow
I love this game so much such a fun game runs so smooth the one that dose annoy me is the ads don't always give you the reward for watching.
I would like it even more if the outside bit WONT KEEP GLITCHING!!! IT KEEPS DOING BLUE RAYS COBERING THE SCREEN. AND REMEMBER THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! if you fix this, ill give you 5 WHOLE STARS. Uh huh!
I love this game, by far the best sim evr. It is easy to use and the graphics are great,.plus the fun human house!
I have some new games you can make lion simulator,cheetah simulator,and cow simulator.i love this game keep it up
I love your games they are some of the best animal simulator games I've ever seen and I have a great suggestion for another animal simulator possible a bird one where you could do very similar things to the squirrel and mouse simulators but it would be really cool if the different skins were different types of birds and each having there own ability (like easier to stop prey etc.)
Love it so much butt could you make a multiplayer in thus it would b one of my most favorite games on earth if u did and i wish u could pick certin peiple out to make a akin about ten people. Is that to much to ask for?
I love everything about the game good graphics ect .But why does the nest's durability go down when you're not using it, plz change.
You peeps or (if your only one person working on this) should add mouse traps in the cottage mouse traps that actually kill you in one hit also rat poisoning that kills you slowly there should also be bugs like cockroaches, butterflys,and worms of slugs ik worms and slugs aren't bugs also snails the bugs should not be able to attack you and you can just hit it once and it dies also add a human in the cottage would be really cool last but not least the animals should not only just attack you they should attack other animals it would add more vibe into the game and not feel like your the only enemy in the game im just saying this would make a big improvement on the game you dont need to add it all if you want :)
I love this game☺☺ It is exiting. But if you add more houses it well be fun
The only thing that could be fixed is bringing the brightness up in the den so that we can see where the exit is so that we don't have to spend like 15 minuets looking for it.
Usually i dont download games that is. Not one of GultenFreeGames Ultimate games so if u get 5 stars from me, it truly means u got to make more and u are doing a great job. Please reply if u see this.
Well it is amazing but could you add people in the game it would be much better. Also please please make more sim games you only made two. PLEASE try making more stuff please. I would apperate it if you did
love it!this game is really cool its so awesome that I can't stop play.plz make more of these plz
OMG this game is soooooooooooooooooooooo good I usually just roam around the house in search of anything the graphics are good and the controls are very simple.
You are the one of the great game makers in world you make very good simulator games keep the good work keep making games like this
so fun but i think you should add wher you can change ther gingers and name them. Add booes like lions,bears,and tigers i love it!!!!
It is absolutely amazing no doubt but why do u have to wait 8 mins
I like it. You should add a turtle simulator so the turtle can breed explore and live in cottage. It might be Soo cute because baby turtles are super cute!!!
Idk how to make a eden it foes not tell me enough information on how to make one it just says go to the hole make the den I don't see any hole and it does not show where it is but I still love the game
by T####:
I LOVE THIS! Ive been waiting a really long time for a mouse stimulator; the few that existed were so awful. This is amazing. i love the burrow, the skins, having involved family members, its just so wonderful X3