【秦時明月5.0】眾志成城 for Android
• 角色施放強力招式時,《秦時明月》動畫原聲優配音,將完美呈現動畫經典台詞。
• 動畫原曲的戰鬥配樂,完整呈現秦時明月精彩刺激的戰鬥場面。
• 劇情更新 — 隨著動畫劇情演進,遊戲隨時更新最新章節
• 因緣際會:特定組合下角色的屬性激增,戰鬥還可啟動多人連攜技能
• 裝備、同伴、典籍,幾乎一切都可能觸發弟子們的緣份系統!
• 高漸離與雪女合奏的陽春白雪將凍結一切!
• 蓋聶與衛庄一釋前嫌,聯手使出鬼谷派縱橫天下!
• 將體魄強健的角色放在前排檔下致命傷害,保護好隊伍中的柔弱(?)美人。
• 配合每個人獨特的武功範圍去排列陣型!巧妙的運用團隊力量!
• 蜃樓東渡:玩家將駕駛蜃樓在大海中航行冒險,過程中會遇到各色海盜和其他冒險者,途經滿載寶物的寇島,靈氣圍繞的仙山,還可能會與罕見的巨大海怪進行戰鬥。
• 墨攻棋陣:玩家將在棋盤上將暗棋翻轉為明棋,過程中可能觸發兵馬俑,銅人陣,勢力陣眼等事件,豐厚獎勵等你來領取!
• 諸子百家開幫立派:蒐羅天下英豪,共創幫會繁榮!
• 幫會商店全新開放!幫會貢獻將可換取稀有弟子魂魄獎勵
• 透過《許願》、《狩魂》獲得魂魄,覺醒弟子靈魂突破出最大的潛能!
本公司遵守個資法明文規定事項 http://www.auer.com.tw/about.jsp?lang=zh-tw&id=4
[] Qin Shiming animation adapted from the first brand of Chinese mobile phone game, in addition to have genuine authority animations, the game will also be the name of the animation scene exciting show, a perfect reproduction of the classic story with you to explore the most known of the Qin Dynasty secret, some wearing Ze missing history. ※ game features ※
[‧ complete presentation of the animated character animation voice actors dubbing Soundtrack]
• When casting the role of strong moves, "Qin Shiming month" Animation Soundtrack excellent voice, the perfect presentation of animated classic lines.
• Animation original song battle soundtrack, complete rendering qinshiming exciting battle scenes.
• Drama Update - With the evolution of the story animation, games updated the latest chapter
[formation arrangement million of Industry-changing system policy ‧ fate Unlimited]
• karma: the role of specific combinations of attributes the surge, but also start fighting people with portable skills
• equipment, companions, books, almost everything could trigger disciples fate system!
• Gao Jianli and Xuenv highbrow ensemble will freeze everything!
• Gagne and Wei Zhuang a release hatchet jointly resorted to sending Gui The World!
• The role of robust frame placed under the front gear fatal injuries, and protect the weak team (?) Beauty.
• Each person with a unique range of powers to arrange formation! Clever use of team strength!
[philosophers athletic contests ‧ ranked play Variety]
• mirage east: Players will be driving mirage sailing in the sea adventure, during encounter pirates and other items to adventurers, passing full of treasure island Kou, aura surrounding mountains, and may also be the rare giant sea monster to fight.
• Wits array chess: Players will flip the board will Anqi Ming chess, the process may trigger terracotta, bronze matrix, power front eye and other events, rich rewards waiting for you to collect!
• philosophers start to help Leekpai: collecting world hero, gang create prosperity!
• gang open a new store! Gang contribution will be in exchange for the soul of his disciples rare reward
• "Heavenly Tree" hard work every day, you will be in a gang, "Man said" and "king" on the go hand in hand, towards the peak rivers and lakes!
• "College" Drama question answered correctly, you can get rich rewards!
• "Cup", "swordfight" so you always competitive battle with other players, you can also bet on players who support, win greater rewards!
• Through "Wishing", "soul hunting" for the soul, the soul awakening disciples break their fullest potential!
• "forbidden treasure hunt" limited activity, an orange best weapons a great opportunity!
• "protagonist practice" may be the beginning of the selected protagonist, practicing orange Need disciple! Almost always fighting!
• "Guessing lantern riddles" every day the opportunity to answer, if we can understand qinshiming can get rich rewards!
"Qin Shiming month" Societies: http: //goo.gl/Oh12VR
"Qin Shiming month" Fans: http: //goo.gl/gCuwhL
"Qin Shiming month" Bahamut humouring version: http: //goo.gl/MGQP2R
The Company has complied with a law expressly provides funding matters http://www.auer.com.tw/about.jsp?lang=zh-tw&id=4
According to the Republic of China "game software hierarchical management approach" Article 18, paragraph 1 announcement "game software hierarchical reference table", this game specification as "auxiliary 12"
都还没出的 说更新到现在都没有
如题 老是不小心按到花元宝的东西会让人不想继续玩下去
如题 老是不小心按到花元宝的东西会让人不想继续玩下去
Could you please make an english version. This is a great game
Better if it's in english
跟動畫一樣的劇情,不錯,諸子百家 7區,『天』登爺, 好友ID:24773
喜歡秦時明月之後,才開始接觸這遊戲。很喜歡這遊戲。 伺服器:S11-蜃樓東渡 角色名稱:『名人』旭日東昇 好友ID:10010
by R####: