About Hologram simulator for cat
Attract the attention of kitten simulator 3D hologram projection sharpener for claws, toys for furry paws!
Cats love to sharpen claws on furniture, carpet or hands owners; These gentle furry creatures can deliver a lot of problems sharp claws on their paws! Distract the cat with light from a flash camera phone! Cat - a beautiful, proud and independent creatures that are difficult to train! Kittens can not be beat, or cruelly to blame for the pranks - it may lead to nothing, only your shoes will be wet and smell bad. Better attract the attention of a loved furry animal unexpected sound or light flashlight camera
ATTENTION! Holograms for cat - simulator 3D light projection. The phone can't project 3D hologram images and projection!
Love your pet, and he will answer you in return!
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Hologram simulator for cat version 1.0 on your
Android device!
APK Size: 3.1 MB, downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Not rated
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com.appelsin.hologramsimulatorforcat, download Hologram simulator for cat.apk