LEGO® Hero Factory Invasion DK for Android
Tag afsted med Alpha team og spring ud i den dybe ende med en af de ni seje Kampmaskiner for at besejre 'Invasionen nedefra'.
- Besejr fem gigantiske beasts og deres springersværme gennem ni byniveauer
- Oplev historien med actionspækket videoindhold
- Gennemfør episke missioner for at opgradere over 45 niveauer med evner og specielle moves
- Byg din Kampmaskine og Power Up i et unikt dobbeltskaleret miljø
- Vælg din kamp og modstander i Kamptilstand med 75 emblemer, som indsamles og fuldendes
Vi er Hero Factory, og vi beskytter galaksen mod alle trusler. Bliv en del af holdet nu!
Hero Factory 'Invasionen nedefra' indeholder et pengebaseret valutasystem, hvor alle køb kan opnås udelukkende via spillet. Køb af 'Heltepoint' vil gøre det muligt at låse op for dine favorit Kampmaskiner eller brug dem på evner for at få et forspring. Køb varierer fra 7,00 kr' 39,00 kr
Officielt LEGO® spil
LEGO Groups politik til beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger accepteres, hvis du henter denne app. Læs mere på
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2014 The LEGO Group.
"Hero Factory, this is Evo, I leave my Turret Machine. My attackers seem to come out of the ground. Hero Factory - we need something that's bigger than me. We need Combat Machines!"Going with the Alpha team and jump into the deep end with one of the nine tough match machines to defeat 'invasion from below'.
- Defeat five gigantic beasts and their jumps swarms through nine byniveauer
- Discover the story with action-packed video content
- Complete epic quests to upgrade over 45 levels of abilities and special moves
- Build Your Game Machine and Power Up in a unique environment dobbeltskaleret
- Select your match and opponent in battle mode with 75 badges collected and completed
We are the Hero Factory and we protect the galaxy against all threats. Be part of the team now!
Hero Factory 'invasion from below' includes a money-based monetary system, where all purchases can be achieved only through the game. Purchase of 'Absolutely Point' will make it possible to unlock your favorite Combat Machines or use them skills to get a head start. Buy varies from 7.00 kr '39.00 kr
Official LEGO ® Games
LEGO Group's policy to protect personal information will be accepted, if you download this app. Read more at
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2014 The LEGO Group.