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「あなたが転んでしまったことに関心はない。そこから◯◯◯◯◯ことに関心があるのだ。」 リンカーン
「心配事に次いで、不幸の最も強力な原因の一つは、おそらくは◯◯◯である。」 ラッセル
全て完成したら、A~Gのマスの文字を順に並べるとある言葉になります! - Problem cases -
"Not interested in what you had fell.. They are interested in particular ◯◯◯◯◯ from there," Lincoln
"Following the worries, one of the most powerful cause of unhappiness is. ◯◯◯ is perhaps" Russell
The fun in Quotations do not know, it is to predict the character of the vertically and horizontally!
◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ How to solve ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ ◆ ♢ crossword ◆
When you tap the mass, tips keyword appears.
Keywords Once you know, please go enter the characters in the mass.
Once you have completed all, you will words that when arranged in order of the character of the mass A ~ G!