BlockDown for Android
Gayest game ever
Annoying noise when playing. Pad doesn't move.
A lot smoother with ndk. Game itself needs a little work. The bouncing star keeps getting stuck in corners for me.
Poor graphics i was looking for block breaker like what the iphone has but i love my phone
Made my phone lock up and had to pull the battery. Droid x
Messed up when the developer changed the speed. Uninstalled.
far 2fast.......uninstalled
Slow the ball down and could be fun....
Badly made.
Goood idea however you have to focus also on graphycs I mean, eye candy, smoothness . Laggy on my hero. Keep up the good work
First NDK game on market? Its a good start! Keep it coming ;-)
Bullet disen't move in a sensable way and you can't drag the pad.
Replace the star with a ball and polish the UI, and this could be good.
An interesting twist I'd like to see fuirther developed
Hey there, nice implementation of a physics engine. How did you utilize the NDK? Did it improve preformance alot?
Looks like an alpha. Neat use of physics, but very laggy and ugly. Also need to reduce gravity. Physics also don't seem to be right either.
Very glitchy. The star goes where ever it wants and bounces off nothing at times. It also always get stuck on the right side. Needs lots of work.
Much, much better using NDK. Still not quite there but tremendous improvement.
Great concept, too slow for release. Id pull it until it runs better.
The idea is great, but the engine sucks. Hope he/she can get a hand on better engine. The gfx and speed are from the 90's :-)
Far too slow. And the "bullet" moves so unpredictably!
How could it get any lamer?
Nice effort, but ugh! Anoying schizo star thing and poor controls
by S####:
Terrible! The physics are wonky, and the game lags. Not recommended.