In Ninja World Adventure 2017, the princess is kidnapped by evil crocodiles, tortuga, turtle, tortuga, juegos, slug, fiend, spiders, turtles and dragons and brought to a dark castle. It is up to Ninja World Adventure 2017, the little kid, to rescue her!
But take care! Lot of enemies, troubles, obstacles, traps and bosses are defending your way through the jungle and wonder worlds.
To get to the lovely princess, Ninja World Adventure 2017 will have to run and jump over obstacles, fight and shoot against angry bees, crocs, crawfishes, snakes, birds, frogs, hedgehogs, mushrooms, skeletons, leps, snails and many other dragons and monsters.
Climb up huge mountains and stairs, fight against prehistoric enemies, avoid falling bricks, find hidden blocks and levels, collect coins and diamonds, swim through dangerous seas, explore a lot of challenging and addictive jungle worlds and lands and defeat all cruel enemies and bosses.
by D####:
I'm like naruo game adventure for turtle