Attic over Attic

Attic over Attic Free Game

Rated 3.92/5 (99) —  Free Android application by Studio Attic

About Attic over Attic

다락방 위 다락방 상상의 세계! Attic over Attic!
아름답고 따듯한 이야기로 게임을 만드는 Studio Attic의 첫 번째 이야기!

다락방 위 다락방 세계를 탐험하는 7살 소년 Jack과 그의 친구 강아지 Corny의 모험!
은퇴한 장난감들과 말썽꾸러기 유령들의 이야기를 그린 액션/퍼즐 플랫포머 어드벤처!

7살 소년 Jack은 강아지 친구 Corny와 함께 아끼는 장난감 'Puppy-poo'를 를 찾으러 다락방에 올라갔다가
우연히 다락방 위 또 다른 다락방으로 올라가게 됩니다.
그리고 Jack과 Corny는 유령들의 장난으로 그만 몸을 잃어버리게 됩니다.
그리고 그곳에서 은퇴한 장난감 친구들을 만나게되고 'Toynize'라는 능력으로 장난감들의 힘을 빌려
그들을 괴롭히는 말썽꾸러기 유령들을 물리치고 다양한 다락방의 장애물들을 극복해나갑니다.
과연 Jack과 Corny는 Puppy-poo를 찾고 몸을 되찾을 수 있을까요?

-Jack과 함께 신비한 다락방 모험을 떠나보세요!
-장난감에 'Toynize'를 하면 장난감의 능력을 사용할 수 있어요!
-다락방의 은퇴한 장난감들과 말썽꾸러기 유령들에게 무슨 일이 있었을까요?
-다락방의 계단 밑 창고로 들어가보세요!
-다락방 장난감들의 이야기를 듣고 미션을 수행하세요!
-오프닝화면에서 애틱 오버 애틱의 주제곡 'Attic over Attic'을 감상하실 수 있습니다!
-뉴스피드에서 애틱 오버 애틱과 스튜디오 애틱의 이야기를 받아보세요!
-게임 버그 및 피드백을 보내주세요!
-페이지 좋아요를 눌러주세요!
개발자 연락처 :
경기도 안산시 상록구 한양대학로 60, 4층 5호 Attic loft above the world of imagination! Attic over Attic!
Studio Attic story of the first game to create a beautiful and warm story!
7-year-old boy the world to explore the attic above the attic, Jack and his friends adventures of a dog Corny!
Green retired toys and naughty stories of ghost action / puzzle platformer adventure!
7-year-old boy, Jack went to pick up the toys 'Puppy-poo' favorite friend with a dog Corny up in the attic.
It will happen to go up to the attic above the attic another.
And Jack is discarded and Corny enough to lose yourself in the pranks of ghosts.
And the toys meet friends from there and retired to the ability to borrow the strength of a toy called 'Toynize'
Defeating the naughty ghosts that plague them overcome the obstacles of various exit the attic.
Corny Jack and I really could regain the body looking for Puppy-poo?
Embark on an adventure with a mysterious attic -Jack!
- If the 'Toynize' on the toy's ability to use the toys!
- What was what happened to the toys and naughty ghosts retirement of the attic?
- Please enter the warehouse attic stairs!
- Heard the attic of toys do the mission!
- You can listen to the theme song 'Attic over Attic' at the opening of the attic Attic over the screen!
- Get over attic and the attic story of a studio in the attic newsfeed!
- Please send feedback and bug game!
- Press the page Great!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Attic over Attic version 1.08 on your Android device!
Downloaded 5,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.StudioAttic.Attic, download Attic over Attic.apk

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What are users saying about Attic over Attic

by C####:

Very highly polished game, with great graphics.

by C####:

So far it's interesting! When it starts off the characters are a bit long-winded and it's unclear if it will be a kid's game. But in only 3 levels I've been stumped a couple of times (level 2 the dog/car didn't want to go under the the low part, and figuring out the spider toy in level 3). But without walkthroughs I had to figure it of myself. I think it could become an interesting puzzle game, and I enjoy a good platformer.

by F####:


by C####:

I get a video ad even before I can play the game. Then an ad at the loading screen.

by C####:

Paid game with opening video advertisement

by C####:

Freezes when I hit start.

by C####:

Freezes when I hit start

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99 users