About Mars Exploration
On the planet Mars, the year 2036 began the exploitation of a crystal called cold energy. This crystal is a great source of energy for new propulsion systems. The New World Space Agency sends explorers to Mars, to eliminate the mines placed in the deposits of the crystal. Each explorer initially has 3 drones minesweepers equipped with a radiation detector that emits glass, a mine detector that locates mines around the drone, 4 missiles and 100 charges to mark the ground. With each displacement that the drone performs, it executes the detection of the crystal automatically. The mine detector emits a number of beeps, and an image is projected onto the drone, indicating the number of mines surrounding it.
Martians who are of the reptilian type, have placed mines in a large area of the territory to be explored, in addition send flying objects that have been called "sliders", to destroy the drone. The attack is performed from time to time, for one minute; as the number of mines destroyed increases, the time interval in which the "sliders" appear decreases, making the attack more frequent.
The drone minesweeper uses alien technology obtained long ago, which allows it to become invisible and undetectable to the extraterrestrial radars. This technology allows you to hide from the "sliders", for this reason appear randomly, trying to hit the drone.
There are 3 exploration sectors on Mars, called "Sector 1", "Sector 2", and "Sector 3". Each sector offers a greater amount of crystal and a greater degree of difficulty.
A sector is composed of a large number of exploration fields. A different field will be assigned each time you choose a sector.
The main function of the drone minesweeper, is to destroy the mines, for this you need to mark the ground around the drone. The location of the destroyed mines will be marked with a flashing green light. In addition the automatic detection of crystals of energy, will allow you to find them and obtain a quantity of coins for it, as a reward.
To destroy the mines around the drone minesweeper, you must have identified each square of the ground, with marks (indispensable) and perhaps others like an exploding crater, crystal, or destroyed green mine light.
Each crystal deposit you find will give you a point and a quantity of coins; 20 coins in sector 1, 40 coins in sector 2 and 60 coins in sector 3.
With the coins you earn you can acquire more equipment that will help you achieve your job: eliminate the mines from the exploitation lands. You can buy more drones, missiles and loads for the ground marker.
If you manage to destroy all the mines in a field of exploration, you get an insignia of merit, as the best explorer in the sector that you chose.
The insignia "Yellow Mars" for sector 1.
The insignia "Orange Mars " for sector 2.
The insignia "Red Mars" for sector 3.
The backgrounds were created from images of public domain, therefore free of copyright.
Room music "you win":
"Killers" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License