About Hardcore — Focus
Most people who click on this article won't finish reading it. Because lack of focus. Our brains cannot think more than one thought at a time. Thus, we must think about, FOCUS on, and complete only the tasks that are most important to us right now. A trick to getting anything you want and beating out the competition? This focus has less to do with how you spend each minute or hour of your day and more to do with the goals you’re working toward. The focus is so important because it is the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision making. Without good focus, all aspects of your ability to think will suffer. Without focus, you won’t be as effective in your work because if you’re not concentrating on the right things or are distracted, you won’t be capable of getting your work done. You also won’t be maximally efficient without good focus because, every time your mind wanders away from your work, you are wasting time. Finally, you won’t be as productive as you can because your work output will not be of the highest quality and it will take you longer to do it. Here’s a simple reality: if you can’t focus effectively, you can’t think effectively. And if you can’t think effectively, you definitely can’t produce the quality of work necessary to be successful. A concentration Training game based on recent brain science. It is an efficient manner of training that always pushes the capabilities of working memory to the limit. It is necessary to train for a certain period of time, so with this game you will concentrate for five or more minutes each day. However, training too much would have the opposite of the desired effect, so you can only play each type of training once each day. It’s important to train your working memory regularly. Just five minutes a day of Training can have an effect. Take a little time to train each day.