Anachronica: Pensaga The Game for Android
Barely playable. Controls are not responsive. Gameplay is meh
Saya suka karakternya mirip shesa
Gile bos bugnya banyak banget
Too many bugs
Lebih bagus gta
Apik cuk
Mantab gann
5/5 came here for free tix
Kaga bisa didownload njing
Anjay 22 mb wkwkw
Jelek sekali
Dawnfortress best rapper in the world
by P####:
Nice. Thanks panitia pensaga 2017. Minusnya: tombol about us malah jadi main, tombol up down kurang responsif, ga ada tombol exit, jarak obstacles terlalu sempit, kalo keluar pake tombol home balik ke game lagi masi running in background