New Big2 (Capsa Banting) for Android
Stupid game, how i can not play after passed a turn? What kind of rule you got from? Street?
Koneksi stabil, kencang tapi lost connection. Old version much better
I can't login via fb or g+. App can't verify authencation, stop at 40%. Show network unstable. But my network is normally. Need improve baterry
Older version much much much better. Yg ini sih kacau banget
Dulu lancar dan bikin ketagihan, tp grgr sering dc sendiri gajelas dan cuma di game ini internet gw lola padahal yt ig dll lncar, jadi males main lg grgr dc bikin bangkrut aja
Kok tiba-tiba account saya ke logout dan pas coba login ini lagi gabisa?
Connection unstable?always disconnect EVEN when my internet CONNECTION is STABLE and STRONG.
Game licik bisa dikasi kartu jelek ga nahan nomer telpon terus
Only on this game my connection always gone and make me lost eventhought my card is good
Buat hp cepet panas. Fix it please
come back to old version...old version is much better
Had stable and fast connection, yet keep disconnecting. Uninstalled.
Heyy..this game need repair...
Addictive games.. tapi sering maintenence.. jadi terganggu
Why after the update the game graphic became worse than before? In my opinion i really-really like the old version not this version, im apologize that i'll delete this game.
Baru selesai download game ini.mau main langsung bikin kesel.mau sign up dengan email gak bisa.mau sign up dengan fb loading bisa nunggu boker dulu.padahal sinyal internet saya bagus.dissapointed
worst update ever!!! gameplay is suck. back to previous version
Grafis lebih berat dari sebelumnya, malah lebih ringan & bagus grafis sebelumnya, sehingga kebutuhan koneksi internet juga lbh besar update yanp sekarang. Untuk feature memang lebih variatif yang sekarang. Harapan Saya, kembalikan ke grafis sebelumnya (background merah), karena lebih ringan & koneksi lebih stabil, namun featurenya tetap seperti sekarang.
Game dah boleh main.tapi bila nakbsign in ke facebook atau google play games kenape tak boleh ya? Please?
Nice game, but there's a lag sometimes
Stupid game...unstable conection???? conection very good
Koq sering hang wkt mau masuk pilih room???
Nice game
Good game
I like playing the old version. New is worse
bring back the old version , the new one is lame poor graphic , poor gameplay , poor control
Mohon ganti ke old version , ga rame jadinya
Poor user interface. Poor graphics. Old version much better
Bring back the old version pleasee!!
Enak versi yang lama, yang baru F**K....
Bagus versi yang lama
It is really annoying when you are playing the game but always mentioned that your connection is unstable. What the heck? Please resolve the issue and I will give you 5.
This game sux. It put me on auto and played for me. I basically watched. I couldnt even stop it. Dont waste hour banswidth and time
parah sinyal capsa banting.. Yg ga stabil sinyal Dari capsa Banting nya..banyak yg H+ dan pake indihome to tetap aja sinyal nya mencret..semua lancar jaya.. Cuma di sini sinyal nya parah banget.
Moves is too fast. Cant decide and ui is so confusing and unresponsive. Its very hard to think and pick a card.
Autoplay apanya???? Koneksi putus pas balik lagi kartu ga ada yg kurang. Yang ada chip saya kurang banyak alias kalah gedeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Buat kapok nih games. Jangan coba2 beli chip pake uang deh. Rugiiiiii paraaahhh... Kalahnya cuma gara2 disconnect
I've bought limited offer 200 diamond. But it gonna disappeared before i use it. Please check it and bring me back my diamond.
parah sinyal capsa banting.. banyak yg kecewa ama nih permainan..sinyal H+ msh aja lost onnection..Tower nya capsa ini dari pohon toge ya.
by D####:
Payah, lost connection coin habis semua alias nol.