INFINITE SMASH : break block for Android
Extremely fun and addicting.
Great concept, best time killer I have played, and NO IN-APP PURCHASES, finally a game without any!
It's a game I never imagined existing or loving. But here it is eating hours out of my life. While the basic gameplay is sufficient enough, I wish there was more to do, maybe different game modes? Idk maybe it shouldn't be messed with it. But anyway I strongly recommend that you check it out!
It sometimes says things I didn't do
Cool time killer
You just press L or R , this game should be named Flappy Bird v2
It's a game I never imagined existing or loving. But here it is eating hours out of my life. While the basic gameplay is sufficient enough, I wish there was more to do, maybe different game modes? Idk maybe it shouldn't be messed with it. But anyway I strongly recommend that you check it out!
The game is called INFINITE SMASH so of course I as a human inferred it would let me have infinite women to fornicate. This in fact was not true. Instead of smashing infinite women you instead tap the screen. Misleading title.
没有太多亮点的刷分游戏,玩法算是弱智版piano tiles。第一下点击识别太慢很讨厌。5/10
Simple but fun. It taps into your to your own best score.
Sometimes gets u playing over and over
Fun time waster!
I love it
Cool time killer
not bad
Love it !
You just press L or R , this game should be named Flappy Bird v2
It's great for when you want to play something you can stop at a moments notice, but still have goals and achievements to shoot for.
It crashes too frequently. And always when you are doing your best score.
Me and my brother race to see who can get the highest in this game.
Addictive game and a lot of fun..quick for play at any time!
Simple but fun
Great game for quick reaction :)
Freezes. Some.
good gam
Super fun
So fun.
Fun and addictive
Same concept, different execution. After 10 minutes of play, you are doing the same thing. Nothing new is added, there is no progresion, just a mindless grinding for different characters. I dont see the point in all of this. I dont see the point of the grinding or the 50 seconds gametime.
THANK YOU DEVELOPERS. It has been a long time since I played a mobile game that was made simply to be just a game and not to abuse the naive / ignorant nature of most current day mobile game consumers. For that you get 5 stars. Also, the game is actually pretty fun, so thanks for that too. And its free! Wow. 5/5
It's amazingly repetitive...but still an enjoyable and fun game. A real problem is crashing when loosing. 7/10 games lost it crashes to home screen. Sad...
No need to download, the title is all you need to know. You smash blocks. Forever. Nothing else happens. There is nothing wrong with this app, but there is nothing right with it either.
crashes quite a lot when tapping really fast on left and right please fix very annoying
I used to have a game just like this not that original and it got really boring I was trying to decide between 1 star and 3 stars
This will be huge. Great game fun to play but does crash occasionally but it is rare.
I can not watch any ads to earn extra coins but overall great game
Great killed more time than choking the chicken yell yu whut
Extremely repetitive, coins take forever to accumulate. Good for wasting time.
by Q####:
I used to have a game just like this not that original and it got really boring I was trying to decide between 1 star and 3 stars