Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town

Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town Free Game

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Javo Melier

About Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town

Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town is the best robber and cop chase game over cars in a free town.

Bring us to top by playing chase and feels the adrenaline of the car racing while cops pursuing robbers. It relieves racing fever with an hot chase of the type of cop vs. robber. When you're bored in the car without internet, then, is a good moment to enjoy of cop chasing games. It's a "robber and cop" chase game where you are a robber after rob a bank. If you are a daddy, keep calm, this game was designed for kids and girls. It does not include guns or bombs, there is no violence of any kind and everything is for free.


The main mode is a robber car escape game where you're a troublemaker criminal racer after committed a bank robbery generating a mayhem in the town of Salem: you 've the need for running away from the cops in a real cops escape race. They will try smash your car to arrest you.

The cop patrol have random routes. As long as there are no cops on the horizon, you can be the car driver that can put your paw on throttle and can go at crazy high speeds for game credits. The cop can pull you over if you exceed the allowed speed or if you'll crashing into any cop car; then, you'll be the most wanted of the nation and they'll go find and hunting to you.

While cop chasing you, you must driving fast as lightning. When you reach good distance of them, the hot chase has finished and your job is done. But, if the cop forces arrested you, you failed and must pay a traffic ticket.

A tip: don't stop at moment of crash the cop car, escape will be more hard. So, do not worry if the trunk drops and get out fast before you're arrested: drift away making a drag or any stunts shortcuts or try flying.


Choose and test drive all cars in the best cops vs robbers game. We've the americans muscle car and a lot of town GT supercars for robbers with a medium experience. And the best: xtreme luxury sports cars to beat the cop force. As well, we've representative 4x4 offroads SUV and grand pickups.


Are you stressed out? Forget the criminal mayhem, deadly racing and undercover escapes of troublemaker gangsters. Make the trunk and take an unlimited voyage on the heat freeway, driving in the Salem town like at real life with HD high quality graphics.

Test drive as a common racer on the highway, narrow streets, grass off roads without danger of being chased.


This gangsters paradise is a sandbox, an open world and simulates a heat day. The town streets are of surfaces like asphalt, sand, grass. The visual horizon are reduced due to the density of buildings.

Roads: highway, one way or two ways roads. Obstacles, traffic lights n signs.

Zones: parking, football and tennis field, classic, factory, houses, skyscrapers, parks.


- Drift away, drag, smash, stunts to play well hot chaces
- FX: burnout, sounds, smoke on fire, tire asphalt marks
- Speedometer, map, radar, rear view, siren, race and racer stats
- Cockpit view with steering wheels to feel the chace racing in car

This is the most exciting cops and robbers game.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town version D12.1.02 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.JavoMelier.CopChaseRobberSalemTown, download Cop Chase Robber of Salem Town.apk

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