Dino run 2 Space adventure - dinosaur runner game

Dino run 2 Space adventure - dinosaur runner game Free Game

Rated 5.00/5 (2) —  Free Android application by dreamingtree

About Dino run 2 Space adventure - dinosaur runner game

1. Run Baby Dinosaurs This time exploring space.

The second is the dinor run series.
This is where the baby dinosaur explores space.
There are many wonderful and dangerous objects such as robots and spaceships in outer space.
As many dangerous objects are involved, your careful handling is required.
Game difficulty is improved compared to the first Dino Run.
The DinoRun space exploration series is a situation where you have to turn right and left
It exists.
Game difficulty has improved and you can play more fun games.

2. How to Play
 - Switching to swipe motion
 Avoid obstacles with finger swipe and touch
You can change the direction.
 - Difficulty increases with time
Over time, the difficulty increases.
Game speeds get faster as time goes by.
 - Do not worry if you lose your Internet without Wi-Fi!
  Even if you do not have an internet connection, you can enjoy the game!
 - Low capacity, fast response performance
 You can download and enjoy the game with low capacity.

3. Why did the baby dinosaur run in space?
  - The dinosaur character that appears in Dinoren is a character that appeared in a baby dinosaur fairy tale.
 Baby Dinosaurs In the fairy tale, baby dinosaurs are children. Adults are the world of children who do not know. Kids are exploring in outer space with their imagination.
In place of the imagination of children, baby dinosaurs are exploring in outer space.
The baby dinosaurs will be exploring elsewhere in the next series.

4. Cautions
 - There are ads in the game. Please support the developer to make better game through the optical path.

5. e-mail
  - dreamingtreebooks@gmail.com

Thank you for loving Dinoron game.
As an indie developer who loves dinosaurs, I want to create more dinosaur games.
I would like to ask for your love and interest in the future.
Your valuable reviews encourage developer fraud and excite future updates. Thank you.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Dino run 2 Space adventure - dinosaur runner game version 1.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.Dreamingtree.DinorunSpace, download Dino run 2 Space adventure - dinosaur runner game.apk

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