Tabok Lalat for Android
Ayo segera pasang aplikasi game tabok lalat ini segera dan mainkan bersama teman dan keluarga anda, tabok dan kumpulkan lalat sebanyak-banyaknya sekarang.
Jadilah pemenang dengan mengumpulkan lalat sebanyak-banyaknya dan kalahkan teman anda.
** Fitur Game Tabok Lalat **
★ Dapat dimainkan secara offline
★ Game yang sangat atraktif untuk mengisi waktu luang anda
★ Share Nilai anda ke teman anda melalui sosial media
** Cara memainkan game Tabok Lalat **
★ Tap screen untuk memukul lalat
★ Jangan biarkan lalat terlepas
Jadi tunggu apa lagi ? Segera pasang aplikasi game tabok lalat ini sekarang juga.
Bila ada kritik dan saran dengan senang hati kami membantu anda.
Desatya Kedai Digital
Tabok fly is a very entertaining game to fill your spare time. Are you able to fly as much as possible menabok?Come soon post application of these flies tabok game immediately and play with friends and family, tabok and collect flies as much as possible right now.
Be a winner by collecting flies as much as possible and beat your friends.
** Features ** Flies Game Tabok
★ Can be played offline
★ Game very attractive to fill your spare time
★ Share your value to your friends via social media
** How to play the game Tabok Flies **
★ Tap the screen to hit a fly
★ Do not let the flies apart
So what are you waiting for ? Immediately post game application tabok these flies now.
If there are criticisms and suggestions we are happy to assist you.
Desatya Digital Shop