Counter desert strike for Android
Riddled in ads.
It works Despacitoly
I love counter games awesome
It stuck be carful to download it
Damn!! Dont work!!
It's can't connect with others
Riddled in ads.
Worst game
...and a really poor game
Ga jelas
I liks it
You litteraly can't aim with the use of moving your device. That is one bad idea for an fps.
Can't move crossbow easily and is therefore unplayabale.
Game paling juelek....sia2 habiskan paket untuk instal
This is not a game....this is just SHIT..
Stupid game
Fk game....
Very bad game
Counter strike
Don't waste your time
Omg y'all actually make money off this garbage. SHAME!!!!!!
So slow
Badd game nt workng :-(
Shoots the enimies very slowly and so many adds
Ga jelas
Nice game
Damn!! Dont work!!
Its nt working dnt waste of my mb
...and a really poor game
It stuck be carful to download it
It lahs too much
Sooooooooooooooooo bad
by T####:
Go ahead download this game to freeze your phone and turn it into a box of stupid adverts