Mechattack for Android
-tap screen to move/aim
-collect COG'S to power up!
-release to quickly point&shoot but not to move!
-try to stay near the center!
retro shooter at its finest!
*note New updates are coming its way with achievements and story listing and ranking,
- The style and art of the protagonist "tim" was inspired by the game "don't look back" and by "eddie" from "megaman" (dlb)
- The game art and monster and combat style was inspired by "Realm of the mad god" or "rotMg"
- The shooting and animation was also isnpired by "megaman" and "metroid"
- The power up and boost where inspired by "Drill dozer" or "Drilldozer" and the "dozerCogs"
- And the perma-death concept idea was from all the classic NSE and SNES games, such as mario,yoshi etc.
Must have!!!
This is not going to be one of those games that are going to get super famous
PS: Shadow was here. Bwuk is a loser! PPS: Ha! You wish. I'm clearly better in every way possible. UwÚ
And challenge your friends to pass u if they can.
by R####:
It's very addicting and fun I would recommend and bill cosbys logic "not bloody or gory enough auto 1 star"