Nuclear Zones for Android
I have a Galaxy S3 and it won't work. The screen just goes black for like a second and then it takes me back to the home screen. I have tried rebooting my phone but it still doesnt work. If played this game on my S4 and i would give a five star rating if you fix this issue.
Even though the game is in beta, one is able to walk around the area with limited interaction (you can barricade windows, pick items up, open dumpster, and get killed by a tank.) Looks and plays nice on the new Nvidia Shield Tablet (no controller yet) Controls have gotten a little better after the update recently and I am sure there is quite a bit more coming from the developer. I am sure any and all help/criticism would be appreciated at their website too. Make this game great!
Great game but please multiplayer and make it sort of apocalypse like options between playing in apocalypse zombie and normal apocalypse and fix bugs I pointed at one of the enemies to salvage him and bam a bug appeared I found that iam not salvaging him and salvage option was in the way fix this bugs please update so I can rate it 5 stars
The buttons are to small I can't figure out how to do anything from time to time my camera tilts and doesn't go back and it's super laggy.... not really a good game
I'd consider donating, but when I save then reload, all I get is a white screen after the loading screen. Plz fix. Pointless to play if I can't save a game. Also....need to be able to open doors instead of chopping them down with the axe. Just a side note: the HUD buttons block the survival guide. I can't read all of it. Put those buttons at the bottom of the screen, instead of the middle. More variety of enemies.....NOT ZOMBIES. Mutants ok.
Im not sure if im just confused but i cant open doors with my galaxy s4, i like the style of the game. It would be nice for there to be a way to trade loot for other things. Also ray just sits in the middle of my map and doesnt help :,(
Plz add mutants and multiplayer and a REAL STORY and some flying enemy's and a MAP and EASTER EGGS and a vault and Survivor camps and boats and traders to trade with and so you can trade RAY and NEW GUNS and swim and CHAT and cars and day and night
Controls awful really glichy at times and had trouble with doors
I really wanted to play the game, since it looks so cool, but the problem is that every time I try to open the game, it force closes but doesn't give a notification saying that it crashed. Is this a regular problem or is there something I can do?
This is great as a free game, and amazing for a beta. This has great potential. Great for fans of survival games and post apocalyptic games like Fallout. Has great atmosphere, tons of interesting and solid mechanics already put in place. A must have.
There's a lot of bugs in the game beta like loading screen so long also turning my screen sideways and when I press options it turns upside down and and too much sensitivity please note that this is on nexus 5 I'll rate 5 a soon as it gets better.
This game is amazing it is like Fallout 4 and rust(a crafting and survival simulation game if u don't know) put together. AMAZING 100/5
I can't even play because every time I go outside it crashes and I'm starting to think that u need to fix this bug so I can play it again
If you add more stuff to build from the bench I would rate five stars I really like the game and you should also put mutiplayer I know it cost lots of money but I will get my friends and me to donate if you do add more stuff and make it less foggy
Great game, player still needs a way to jump and run, I would also expect to see weeds, and much more trash on the ground also, especially in abandoned bunkers. Would also be better to have random encourage term with other hostile and so e friendly survivors. Please make a way to swim and having weapon deterioration would make the game more enjoyable. This game also needs a craft station and make it were items need to be obtained before specific tool recipe can be obtained. So much potential, if it had better graphics such as trees with bark, different textures maybe large boulders and more massive houses along with caves, I would not mind even paying 10.00 for this game. The potential is there, just hope you aren't a developer that has tossed such a game like this away to be abandoned.
Great potential. How ever like a few other comments, after building a few walls and collecting some swag. I'd save the game and when get back on its all gone and I can't use the axe, because all of the buttons are missing. Awaiting UPDATE !!!
This game is awesome but the pause and wait buttons are too small.
Well it's ok but get back to me ASAP because I have a problem every time I have to go to bed I save the game and quit the next day I log on my shelter and campfire was gone!!
Great game would love an update, has a few bugs especially when loading saved games
Omg it's fallout 4 I love fallout 4 it's awesome you should get this game
Game keeps crashing when I load my saved profile please help. Like the game but needs bugs fixed . and mabey some doors you can open and close
Crashes on launch sadly for me. I hope you can fix it. I am a big fan of Fallout and want to try this game
I can't get in any buildings or use my Axe until I can use it its gonna be 4 stars
Great start! I am playing on the new Nvidia shield tablet. I am willing to test the game further, however, I would suggest you work on both the lighting and controls first. Keep me updated please!
The game is fun but it has a lot of bugs I wish it was smooth gameplay then it freezes can u guys please fix these problems
I found the pistol and rifle within 5 minutes of playing and the quad in 10 then I saved it. got back on and all my stuff was gone and everything I but as well please fix.
I click the button to open the game...and my screen goes black and in a few seconds back to my home screen...plz fix I really wanna frekin play... plz reply to me if you have any tips on how to fix this..Thx!!!!
This game has a lot of potential. I mean a lot. The only things you need to do is spend ten minutes or so making the ground and such have better graphics. And add more stuff.
The best but some Biggs like it take forever to load and the game crashs every time when I open the first time,and are there troches so we can light the place up and the game doesn't save but good pontasion (I know I spelled it wrong)
Ok, so it wont even let me get on the game, every time I push on the gome it acts like its going to work but then just goes right back to my phones main screen. Can you tell me whats up with that?
But its pretty hard to pick up items and I've been waiting for the update so I can finally save my progress. Oh and I wish I can donate to you cause I'm still a kid I have no credit card sorry :( but great game I'm serious :)
Force closes every single time I try to play it after 2 minutes up until that point it seems like it might be a very cool and fun game but I can't play it therefore its pointless worthless and a waste of time to download until they fix it
I like fallout and this games reminds me so much of it, hope they update it.
I'd love to play this game for more than 2 minutes:/ if you can plz fix crashes on my ZTE zmax I'd give this fallout like game a 10(if possible) lol
But I think you could add a few things, one, quests, maybe add a few survivor camps with traders and stuff, two, craftable weapons, maybe like spear guns, crossbows, chainsaw swords, ETC. Three, customizable characters, or classes. And of course, zombies, aliens, and or giant spiders, the same old enemy is getting quite boring, oh and save game doesent work. Great game if you could add those things one at a time I would rate five stars
It definitely gave me the fallout and post apocalyptic vibe I've craved on a mobile experience. This game has so much potential. I really think it would benefit greatly if it got keyboard and gamepad support. That way any android device can play it! Please do, then I'll be able to make a video about this game as I show people android games with keyboard support.
I wanna play it sooo bad! But it keeps crashing every time I press "new game" plz fix then I will give 5 stars :'(
I love how you have the Fallout New Vegas theme it makes it cool but all I ask is to add more weapons I understand that this probably takes a long time and money but I am a developer too and it gets hard a lot.
I really wanted to play the game, since it looks so cool, but the problem is that every time I try to open the game, it force closes but doesn't give a notification saying that it crashed. Is this a regular problem or is there something I can do?
by U####:
I love the game but there just isn't a lot to do now but keep going! Bugs that are occurring on my device is the ground disappears but it doesn't affect gameplay much. LG G2