Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game

Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game Free Game

Rated 4.51/5 (18,829) —  Free Android application by Apps4Everyone

About Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game

Spread the word of God with ✞ Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game ✞ Get on a missionary journey and help the priests all over the world baptize as many unbelievers and turn them into Christians! Download this fun quiz game and answer the questions from Holy Bible to help as many followers embrace the love of God and become true believers! Play against other missionaries and see who will finish all baptism ceremonies first!

Get this educative quiz Bible trivia and help your children learn more about the Holy Book through playing and fun! By answering these interesting quiz questions about Bible verses and characters kids will learn more about their religion and accept God while playing Bible games! This Bible application is great for the whole family and it's perfect for teaching kids Christianity at Sunday School (Sabbath School).

✣ Choose from 4 offered answers: A, B, C or D!
✣ Each time you answer a question you spend 1 energy point!
✣ You get one energy point each 2 minutes!
✣ Answer the question correctly to travel around the world!
✣ You have 4 attempts to give the correct answer, choose the correct answer from the first try to travel the longer distance!
✣ Use helps to pass the longer distance than your opponents: double the length of the distance you can pass or remove one wrong answer!
✣ Use traps to decrease the progress of your opponents: slow down all other players or prevent the leading player from answering one question!
✣ Collect tokens with angel wings and use them on crossroads to take the shortcut!
✣ Log in with Facebook or create your player profile!
✣ Lots of interesting achievements and integrated leaderboard!
✣ Purchase in-apps to get more helps, traps and unlimited energy!

Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game tests your knowledge on Bible trivia in a very fun way. Your goal in this game is to be the first of four players (missionaries) who will visit all the Orthodox and Catholic churches and Jewish Synagogs. By giving correct answers to Bible quiz questions you will travel the longer distance. Not only that you can learn new facts on biblical characters, but you can also learn something new on the history of arts, since there are lots of questions containing religious paintings in this highly educative quiz game.

A Christian missionary is commissioned by the Lord to make disciples, followers of Christ. Jesus commands all Christians to share the Gospel, the message of His death and resurrection that conquered the penalty and power of sin.

A Christian missionary proclaims Jesus as Savior and Lord. They do more than evangelism. The commission was to make disciples, not immature believers. Thus, a Christian missionary’s outreach involves evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. These main goals are accomplished in a variety of ways: street preaching, church building, Bible studies, etc.

Bible apps and quizzes are a great way to learn new things about the Holy Book of Christianity! They are always with you, in your mobile phone! Playing Christian games is the most entertaining way to embrace the faith and Gods love, and this amazing “religious game” for kids and adults is perfect for gaining new knowledge on the largest religion in the world!

✞ Did you know that the name of the first five books of the Old Testament is Pentateuch?
✞ Did you know that David killed Goliath with a sling and a stone?
✞ How many Proverbs and Psalms did Solomon write?

Get this educative quiz game for free and see how well you know the facts from the Old Testament and New Testament, facts about Noah, Moses, Jesus and his apostles, Virgin Mary and other characters of the Bible! Answer the quiz questions about Biblical figures and facts about Bible prophecies of the Apocalypse and Armageddon and test your knowledge of the holy book of the Christians! Download “Bible Quiz” 3D - Religious Game on your smartphone, and have fun playing one of the best Bible quizzes for Android TM.

*Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game version 1.8 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.Bible.Quiz.Game, download Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game.apk

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Game History & Updates

Version update Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game was updated to version 1.8
More downloads  Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game reached 500 000 - 1 000 000 downloads
Version update Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game was updated to version 1.7
Version update Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game was updated to version 1.6

What are users saying about Bible Quiz 3D - Religious Game

by C####:

Could be promoted on facebook games for the parents and children

by C####:

This is a fun a game to play to learn more about God

by A####:

Addicting, makes you want to read your Bible more.

by C####:

Its amazing what I don't know this app has teached me thanks for making this app

by C####:

Fun but pop up questions are too slow

by W####:

I only wish this could be played offline.

by C####:

Just installed and played it first time n I'm enjoying it

by C####:

I like this app I can use it with my youth group it is good

by H####:

In loved this game

by J####:

But y does it does need to be paid. . .

by C####:

it's so amazing app you can learn abount Jesus

by G####:

Love it! I love to challenge my mind on God's Word!! This is a great app!!

by Z####:

I love this game. It is not super difficult. My kids love it as well.

by C####:

So much fun to play and learn naked u want to play.

by C####:

It is a really great game that tests your knowledge on the bible

by P####:

Awesome forever I've never seen a game like this

by C####:

Very cute game. Like that it's multiple player interactive.

by C####:

Love playing this game, it is very challenging and educational .

by C####:

Love the game but feel the pictures could be better

by C####:

the images are terrible. After EVERY game it opens up to facebook log in page which takes ages and just for me to close it, this is annoying and decreases the enjoyment, I pretty much don't use facebook, if I wanted to link don't you think I would? Why the harassment to do so?

by C####:

Quick gaming to compete with other players and get the correct answers first. Able to slow down other players to gain the lead, but you lose points... Have fun!

by C####:

One star for graphics. This game is ad revenue for the developer, pure and simple. Twice I got to within 1 level of high score, only to see all three top 'players' suddenly raise to the next level. My rank is -23,000 something, got all achievements except top score.

by Q####:

It is what everyone needs to get into instead of all these other games and read their bible and I think the world would be a lot better off then if we put it back in God's hands

by C####:

Amazing! My daughter got great marks in her Sunday school test because of this! She love clearing things the fun way

by X####:

This game is race. Some easy and some hard. It is so easy to finish the levels. We can finish the missions also.

by K####:

Fun to play with the kids. Cute graphics, great concept with global travel. Pictures of paintings are dark, hard to see details.

by C####:

Not likes ads are coming , other wise awesome

by H####:

This game is good for knowing the bibles but this game have a big RAM plse smalling RAM for the game... because i am affraid my memory mobile phone can full

by O####:

That you can come get them from your phone and you ride in an attempt was just wondering when he comes home with her in person but it's just a thought that would work and it doesn't seem very very well done in about two months and a couple weeks after work to make me know how are t on the otherequipment for me and I can make you smile at allhings that make sure they were going and then I'll just wait I think I'm getting in shower so that we may also have some good morning love with him on your computer science foundation is not responsible if you're a few hours

by C####:

Some of the Question I didn't understand

by C####:

I would like the option to pay to remove ads. I like the gameplay... the paintings that you have to identify of Bible stories are a little small on a phone.

by U####:

This game is thrilling , I like to play this game ⚜

by C####:

I enjoy the game. It's competitive and give you the chance to see how much of the Bible toy know.

by Y####:

Awesome game which shows kids the right way that is Jesus and to know more about the word of God that is fruit to our soul.

by C####:

Bien interesante y divertida, a la vez que te sigues ejercitando en la Palabra.

by C####:

Unfortunately some of the questions are found only in the Catholic Bible!! And I'm not Catholic!!!

by N####:

This is a great app amazing good for kids graphic pictures 5 Star

by C####:

This app will help to all people around the world like me.

by C####:

You get to have money

by M####:

I love this game. Its great for adults or younger kids. Fun way to remember and learn more about the lord and the bible. Fun to play. Recommend it for all who love Jesus and want him in your heart.

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