Lots of fun picking up fares! Watch out for the po po though, they don't take too kindly to being rear ended. Looking forward to future updates.
I like the bonus cash given to you when you level up. Driving is good but needs a little more improvements on the steering and sliding car. Map needs to expand bigger. NPC car seems to be ignoring incoming traffic and have to give them way to avoid getting killed. Need to add NPC humans walking and crossing the roads too to add more challenge to the game. Because game gets easy once you get used to it. Overall: very nice game thanks!
Uber Sim ! LOL
Starting will be all the frustration to keep up with debts and reckless npc drivers. But in 30mins of playing you will get the hang of it ^-^
This game is kinda good but make a another game like Zombie Town Ahhh to make me a lot better with another game and I've been wondering about Never not knight about the walking animation on skeletons and there like the NPCs.
It ride To Buildings To Get Moneyssss
why you need to pay gas
Just cool????
by M####:
YES IT DID BUT I GET OFF AT A BAD START I USALLY OWE 100 TO 250 DALLES ON MY FIST RUN CAN U MAKE THE FUAL LAST A LITTLE LONGER sorry my phones a little weird today might of spelt rong