Mystery Words for Android
Great game. Difficult words but that makes it all the more appealing. But really..... drachms? UPDATE. After playing for a while now, there are several glitches. Glad to give feedback if you plan on supporting this
It is a nice idea and could be really great and successful. I am not a great fan of the input system though, I think there should be another way of selecting each letter than the keyboard method and using backspace when correcting. Keep trying. Looking forward to future updates!
Great game, love the game and idea. Can't wait for future updates which would make it even better
Updated: Okay the red & yellow blocks are working now, but I was on maybe my 4th or 5th game and the first letter given (you know the one you can't change) was the WRONG letter. Gave me a "D" when the word was "Frisbee"
Great game. Difficult words but that makes it all the more appealing. But really..... drachms?
The game has a potential to boost in the market, it's quite addictive. It's just that some of the words are difficult to guess. Maybe a clue or a hint may help.
Never gave me any additional clues, just the first letter. Nexus 5
by R####:
Great game, love the game and idea. Can't wait for future updates which would make it even better