About 儿童找找乐游戏
儿童找找乐是一款10岁以下儿童简单有趣的找不同小游戏,画面可爱,操作简单,在给出的物品中找出不同于其他物品中的一个,或找出不同类的一个,或在图片中找出不同的地方,由于该游戏面向儿童,所以不设置较难的关卡和玩法,让孩子有玩游戏的成就感,目前游戏共52个关卡将持续更新,快来挑战一下你的分辨能力吧。 Children look for a happy child under 10 years is fun and easy to find a different game, the screen is pretty simple to identify different from other items in a given in the article, or to find a different class, or find a different place in the picture, since the game for children, it is not difficult to set up checkpoints and play, so that children have to play the game a sense of accomplishment, currently a total of 52 game levels will continue to update, come to challenge your the ability to distinguish it.