About 消灭水果
- 点击三个或以上相同种类的水果就可消除它们。
- 在一定的时间内,获得的分数,超过目标得分才能继续下一关。
- 消除八个或以上的水果可以获得一个炸弹,点击炸弹可以消除其所在位置横排和竖排的所有水果。
- 你每次消除的水果越多,就会得到更多的分数。
- 连击达到五次以上,消除水果获得的分数将翻倍
来吧,一起享受游戏的乐趣! This is an addictive casual game! Once you play, you can not stop!
Destroy the fruit is a very interesting game, click three or more adjacent fruits can be eliminated and earn points, and the game has a cool interface and effects!
How to play:
- Click on three or more of the same kinds of fruits can eliminate them.
- Within a certain period of time, get scores, exceeding the target score in order to continue to the next level.
- The elimination of eight or more servings of fruit can get a bomb, the bomb can click on it to eliminate all fruits horizontal and vertical positions of.
Score Tips:
- Every time you eliminate the fruit, the more you will get more points.
- Batter reached five times or more, eliminating scores obtained will double fruit
Come along and enjoy the fun of the game!