About Segiempat On Quiz
Segiempat on quiz adalah sebuah aplikasi game matematika offline. Aplikasi ini berisi permainan untuk mengasah kemampuan mengenai materi “SEGIEMPAT” dengan SK (Memahami konsep segiempat dan segitiga serta menentukan ukurannya) dan KD (Mengidentifikasi sifat-sifat persegi panjang, persegi, trapesium, jajargenjang, belah ketupat, dan layang-layang). Konten “SIFAT-SIFAT SEGIEMPAT” yang dikemas melalui sebuah aplikasi permainan yang memfasilitasi anak untuk belajar sambil bermain. Aplikasi permainan ini didesain dengan cerita yang mengantarkan anak untuk memilih bangun segiempat sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan.
Segiempat on quiz is an offline Application-Math’s Game. It contains the game to improve the ability of the material "quadrilateral" with Competention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles also determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite). Material Content "Properties of quadrilateral" is packaged with a game application that facilitates the child to learn with playing. This application is designed with stories that make children choose a quadrilateral according to the given instructions. Quadrilateral on quiz is a mathematical game application offline. This application contains the game to hone the ability of the material "quadrilateral" with SK (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles and determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, and kite). Content "PROPERTIES quadrilateral" which is packed with a game application that facilitates the child to learn while playing. This game applications designed to deliver children's stories to choose wake quadrilateral accordance with the instructions provided.
Quadrilateral on quiz is an offline Application-Math's Game. It contains the game to improve the ability of the material "quadrilateral" with Competention Standard (Understanding the concept of rectangles and triangles Also Determine its size) and KD (identify the properties of a rectangle, square, trapezoid, parallelogram, Rhombus, and kite ). Material Content "Properties of quadrilateral" is packaged with a game application that facilitates the child to learn with playing. This application is designed with stories that the make children choose a quadrilateral According to the given instructions.
by S####:
Desainya oke, soal kayanya perlu diacak, jadi ketika orang memulai bermain soalnya mulainya random