About 手機搖搖樂第二版
按下 開始倒始計時 鈕,就會開始倒數計時,此時小鼓聲響起,當倒數時間終了,鈴聲大作,選手就可開始用力地搖動手機,每搖動一次手機就會聽到 「?、? 」的聲音。當比賽時間終了,鈴聲也會大作,畫面上會顯示您搖動次數 Press start counting down the start button, the countdown will begin, this time small drums sounded, when the end of the countdown time, ringing, players can begin to vigorously shake the phone, each time shaking the phone will hear "?,?" Of sound. When the end of the game time will be ringing loudly, shake your number will be displayed on the screen