About 雀神輝教室
獨家自創麻雀遊戲 - 麻雀三公
失傳經典麻雀遊戲 - 麻雀牌九
實戰約腳專欄,幫助一眾無腳人仕尋找雀腳 Hong Kong bird will address telephone information
Sparrow own exclusive game - Sparrow Excellencies
Classic games lost Sparrow - Sparrow Pai Gow
Guangdong card meter Fan computer
Sparrow very powerful teaching, there is help masterpiece magic thrown cards, including bird bird altar of God Hui aspect trick - his left index finger
Sparrow Sparrow lectures introduce the rules, how to train well in product and brand licensing technology
Combat foot column about helping someone looking for a congregation legless bird feet
by N####:
Absolutely amazing