About Math Game Pi
Congratulations! You have found the the most addictive puzzle since sudoku while others call it "Sudoku on steroids!"
Mathdoku is a great way for puzzle fans of all ages to exercise their brains, and is the only version of this puzzle authorized by its creator, Japanese educator Tetsuya Miyamoto. YOU select the size, difficulty level, and operations. After you complete a puzzle, a new puzzle of the same type will automatically load so you can continue to challenge yourself.
The goal of the puzzle is to fill a grid with digits. The grid size defines the numbers you can use in a puzzle.
Each group's total is displayed in the top-left corner along with the operator that was used. Operators include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Squares outlined by bold lines are called cages.
Each cage has a target number and a an associated math operation. π
No digit appears more than once in any row or any column.
Numbers may not be repeated in any row or column, just like Sudoku.
Math doku includes:
- FREE puzzles of any size, from very easy to extremely challenging
- Unlimited FREE grid size puzzles
- A vast selection of puzzles, ranging from 4x4 to 9x9 grid size puzzles
- Great game play features such as Check, Undo, clear and Timer
The game wanted to encourage independent thinking, emphasizing logic, reasoning, concentration, and perseverance.
by B####:
Ridiculous amount of ads.