Skatedroid AIR for Android
Sux don't even open
Not even good stoped right away
Sick Game! Evo 4G Stock 2.3
Bad. Force closes. Unistalled. Droid 2
Needs volyme controll, badly.
Boring. Looks alright though.
This game is the bomb for real
Freezes all the time!
Really fun dosnt lag at all on the evo
Please fix android 4.4 with adobe air
Will not open. Galaxy S Vibrant.
Its realy glitchy. Needs some work.
Pretty cool game. Hard to get very far.
Its fun needs new tricks though ! HTC G2
Doesn't work on motorola droid.
Won't open. Force close. Droid with adobe air
I opened it and got to the loading screen then it force closes itself, Droid 1, uninstalled
Lmao couldnt even open the app.. and i have the adobe installed :
Ummmm its ok not one of the best skate games ive played
Won't open on original droid even after multiple restarts. Looked cool too. Womp...
Lags a lot on evo I like it but lag kills it
Loading screen loads half way then application closes.
Doesn't work
Works great on my myTouch 4G idk why everyone says it lags
Aborts silently during loading on Galaxy S with Froyo. Uninstalled within minutes!
Sucks it wont open dont download
Game this sucks the DROID moves sooo slow
Please, integrate an highscore system ;)
Fun at first but then got bored of it:/
Great game but crashes too often on gingerbread. NS.
Really wish i could play but it crashes on the loading screen on the original Droid :/ even killed apps before launch too.
Man this game rocks! Works smooth on the HTC Evo, don't understand the comments saying its lagging, super smooth!
This game has potential, hope it gets updated soon and left side to gain speed would be better so your finger doesnt block the view of coming obstacle
This would be a really fun game if it didn't lag so bad. It crashes almost every time and when it doesn't it lags I hope an update can fix this
When I played the game it was fun but I had to do a battery pull cause it locked up my droid x. Droid x is the best!
Won't even work installed it twice and will open but it just shuts then my screen goes black! it be nice if i could actually play the game!
It dont lag for me and looks are nice but by the time i power up a jump it to late or i just jump over the rail
Crashes after load screen. Looks like it could have potential if it would work. Droid.
Fun game, a bit laggy sometimes on my evo. Also sometimes forces htc sense to restart. Hoping an update will fix the performance problems. Still fun
by L####:
App crashes badly on Galaxy S and removes the live wallpaper :-(