About NNan
《NNan》是一款数字消除类闯关游戏,从第1关到第99关,如果你心算够快,反应够灵敏,有足够的耐力,那就加入到游戏吧,爱因斯坦很兴奋,说道:“huhahahaha 我最高闯到了88”,让我们一起挑战外挂都不能通关的游戏!
意见邮箱:584959627@qq.com "NNan" is a digital eliminate class invented a game, from the first to the 99th shut off, if you are fast enough mental arithmetic, responsive enough, have enough stamina, it was added to the game now, Einstein is very excited and said, : "huhahahaha I broke into the top 88," so that together we can not challenge the plug-clearance game!
Gameplay Description:
1. Click on the middle of the screen operating area, hit the top of the figure below the figure, to operate, the number crunching to the target figure, the elimination of
2. Remember the mantra "the next big small, compared with minus (-) on the small great, compared with plus (+) are equal from top to bottom, are merged (&)."
Game On: wing & yimi
Opinions E-mail: 584959627@qq.com