五色學倉頡 (舊版本) for Android
So good and perfect,I almost learn How to type. But I think the practice can Be harder.
If the app is opening, turn on the phone after sleeping mode it automatically rotates. And I cannot switch it from the vertical view to the horizontal one. I am using Galaxy SII.
Good training/learning app but please support portrait mode! By the way, I bought all the add-ons and the PC version.
If the app is opening, turn on the phone after sleeping mode it automatically rotates. And I cannot switch it from the vertical view to the horizontal one. I am using Galaxy SII.
一路聽歌一路練時,按關閉音效會連音樂都靜音,靜音功能應該獨立出來而不影響手機其他軟件音效。anyway ,5 star, hope you patch it soom
我用功能升級買了1500字,成功更新後出現以下問題,當出左apps後再入時,能進入apps, 要長按home鍵把apps完全關閉後才能進入apps. 我用android 4.1.1 (S3 同 Note2 都有問題) 請fix it. Thx (27/8 Still have problem)
分級別同加字庫係goodmove, 更充實and user friendly:) 但programme方面有問題,首先靜音掣細得交關,好難㩒.另外係個靜音唔係靜音,係disable media sound,想一路聽歌一路練都唔得:(
If the app is opening, turn on the phone after sleeping mode it automatically rotates. And I cannot switch it from the vertical view to the horizontal one. I am using Galaxy SII.
Great game for learning. Quick reference on hand. Just don't press the screen off button without exiting via home screen first or it will lock in a re-oriented position. But that will likely improve with development. Great app.
I use one x as well, turned off the auto-rotate and u can use this app w/out a gitch. This app is terrific! Did enrich me understanding. Thanks dev!
本來都想讚, 但係裝完開個program, 係個主畫面度按唔到任何制, 以為hang左但係最頂個roller仲會自動郁, 我按畫面上的options同埋virtual keyboard都無反應, 按mini pro個實體keyboard都係無反應, 咁...呢個program係咪值得比1粒星? 等我一陣再係Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1試試, 不過無得用mini pro係街等車果練習就真係有少少失望. 更新: 第一次係Xperia mini pro上面裝完要開一次再quit咗佢, 之後再重開一次就可以正常使用, 至於Galaxy Tab 10.1用係OK的. 但係請開發人員注意, 如果未來的版本加番個以下幾個option建議就真係perfect…… - 可以比人改出字難度分級. - 可以set打啱字就即刻自動出下一個字, 唔使野野都要再按右下角個"出字"button. - 可以hidden個virtual keyboard, 咁個畫面會多番d位, 方便本身有實體keyboard的細mon手機.
So good and perfect,I almost learn How to type. But I think the practice can Be harder.
I use galaxy tab 7.7, when I lock the galaxy tab, unlock it, then it will continue rotate, happens when auto-rotate on or off. Please fix
Everything is good except that cannot turn off the sound
Expect more
More words please
我用 One X 但冇法子要佢打橫顯示,亦唔知邊度可以設定。
The app looks gd, but I can't use it:( force closed everytime when I press "出字". Plz fix it.
得嗰100個字,把鬼! 出字係咁重覆,玩一陣已delete...
我用功能升級買了1500字,成功更新後出現以下問題,當出左apps後再入時,能進入apps, 要長按home鍵把apps完全關閉後才能進入apps. 我用android 4.1.1 (S3 同 Note2 都有問題) 請fix it. Thx (27/8 Still have problem)
分級別同加字庫係goodmove, 更充實and user friendly:) 但programme方面有問題,首先靜音掣細得交關,好難㩒.另外係個靜音唔係靜音,係disable media sound,想一路聽歌一路練都唔得:(
If the app is opening, turn on the phone after sleeping mode it automatically rotates. And I cannot switch it from the vertical view to the horizontal one. I am using Galaxy SII.
Great game for learning. Quick reference on hand. Just don't press the screen off button without exiting via home screen first or it will lock in a re-oriented position. But that will likely improve with development. Great app.
I use one x as well, turned off the auto-rotate and u can use this app w/out a gitch. This app is terrific! Did enrich me understanding. Thanks dev!
本來都想讚, 但係裝完開個program, 係個主畫面度按唔到任何制, 以為hang左但係最頂個roller仲會自動郁, 我按畫面上的options同埋virtual keyboard都無反應, 按mini pro個實體keyboard都係無反應, 咁...呢個program係咪值得比1粒星? 等我一陣再係Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1試試, 不過無得用mini pro係街等車果練習就真係有少少失望. 更新: 第一次係Xperia mini pro上面裝完要開一次再quit咗佢, 之後再重開一次就可以正常使用, 至於Galaxy Tab 10.1用係OK的. 但係請開發人員注意, 如果未來的版本加番個以下幾個option建議就真係perfect…… - 可以比人改出字難度分級. - 可以set打啱字就即刻自動出下一個字, 唔使野野都要再按右下角個"出字"button. - 可以hidden個virtual keyboard, 咁個畫面會多番d位, 方便本身有實體keyboard的細mon手機.
So good and perfect,I almost learn How to type. But I think the practice can Be harder.
by Y####:
Please unpair the sound with media. But I guess they won't update this app anymore.