4A Game

4A Game Free Game

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by L Architect Inc.


About 4A Game

Match your logic skills against your opponent’s! 4A Game is an easy to learn, difficult to master, deductive reasoning game.

How to play:

Two players must first download a version of the game to their Android device.

Create a game, or join an already created game by entering the same 10 digit number.
Select 4 different numbers as your “secret number”.

Guess your opponent’s 4 digit number before they guess your number. When the light is green, you can guess. If it turns red, wait for your opponent to finish their move and the light will turn green again.

Possible guess responses:
A = One of the numbers chosen matches its position in your opponent’s secret number exactly
B = One of the numbers chosen is in your opponent’s secret number, but in a different position
X = None of the numbers chosen are in your opponent’s secret number


If you get AAAA and nothing happens, the game is waiting for your opponent’s guess to determine if you have won the game or tied.

If you join a game before it is created or you enter the wrong connection number, your light will stay red, as the connection with your opponent was unsuccessful. Leave the game and rejoin after the game has been created.

How to Download / Install

Download and install 4A Game version 1.11.8 on your Android device!
APK Size: 12 MB, downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: air.com.pleasantsolutions.clients.marianliptak.matgame4a, download 4A Game.apk

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