Kids First Kindergarten Day

Kids First Kindergarten Day Free Game

Rated 3.65/5 (283) —  Free Android application by netgames834

About Kids First Kindergarten Day

Hi, when you are going to do one important thing you have great emotions and you want to make everything right. Often we need help for everything to be perfect. Today, through this children care game, you will meet a child, you will definitely love to become his friend. This baby is a girl and she is called Julie, she is impatient because it is her first day kindergarten. It will be her first day and she needs you to help her adjust to all the rules. This game will help you have fun and at the same time to do a good deed,
Julie is an obedient child and surely you should not be worry.
Please follow all instructions in this game for girls.
Good luck!

- At the beginning of the game you will meet Julie;
- She needs you and she is waiting for you;
- Julie has her own closet in kindergarten and you will have to help her unpack all things;
- You need to remove from the bag following things: books, food and water bottle;
- You should sit the bag in the closet;
- The first task is to assemble a chair, you have to help;
- Now she wants to play with a ball;
- She likes to play with the train and helicopter and hence please help her;
- Now Julie wants to eat;
- Flowers need water and you have to sprinkle them;
- Julie is very happy, you are a good friend.

Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us through this game.

Have fun!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Kids First Kindergarten Day version 5.3.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:, download Kids First Kindergarten Day.apk

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Android game

Game History & Updates

Version update Kids First Kindergarten Day was updated to version 5.3.1
More downloads  Kids First Kindergarten Day reached 100 000 - 500 000 downloads
Version update Kids First Kindergarten Day was updated to version 3.4.1
More downloads  Kids First Kindergarten Day reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads

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