About Dart
دارت یک بازیه جذابه که شخص مورد نظرتون رو به دایره میبندید و اونو مورد هدف قرار میدید . در هر مرحله گردش سریعتر میشه تا اینکه پرتابهای شما بالاخره خطا بره و بجای هدف به آدمک بیچاره بخوره . با دوستانتون رقابت کنید ، امتیاز بالاتر بگیرید ، اسم و امتیازتون رو ثبت کنید و حتی کاریکاتور خودتون یا عزیزانتون رو بجای هدف بزارید . از کی دلتون پره ؟ شایدم دوستش دارید ؟ یه عکس ازش بدید ، ما کاریکاتورش رو براتون میزنیم و میزاریم تو بازی ، بقیش با شما !
Ever chosen a person on the wheel to shoot darts? Brand new experience to relief your stresses, people!
Aim it accurately without hurting the person on spinning wheel. Every miss take will torture him badly, so please aim it accurate!
Once player reach every scores require in each level~ the wheel like speed up! Come and take the challenge ... Darts a game that cute person in mind to close the circle and saw him targeted. At each stage circulation was faster until you finally launches her error, and instead target the poor dummy lead. Compete with your friends, your points, your name and Amtyaztvn records and even a cartoon or Zyzantvn but instead lets purpose. Since when are a lot of spokes? Maybe you love? I saw a picture, we'll be up and shed your cartoon game, Bqysh with you!
Ever chosen a person on the wheel to shoot darts? Brand new experience to relief your stresses, people!
Aim it accurately without hurting the person on spinning wheel. Every miss take will torture him badly, so please aim it accurate!
Once player reach every scores require in each level ~ the wheel like speed up! Come and take the challenge ...
by R####:
باحاله :'(