My Pony Race for Android
I hatt it
Wow cool
It is very cool
lovin it its awesome
Run the pony wouldn't bouge
I can't run
Best game ever
I'm stuck on level 7. So I'm going to ask dad if he can delete it and doneload my little pony celebrations on my phone.
It so hard
This game is awesome PS people don't need to say they hate it think positive
It's beautiful
lovin it its awesome
Wow cool
I click it but he is so slow just like jumping this is the worst game so I'll give you 1 star for that game
When you jump, it doesnt actually take you over it and itis too hard to get it to start running again and when i came in second place it told me i was in last
awesome. I like this game but could put a green pony lol
I can't run
Won't let me jump
How you going to win the race this is hard to do level 1 show me how to win I try to win but my pony always lose can we get to ponies because we have to buy the other ponies all the ponies are seen to be a lot faster than to ponies
One amazing game. If I like it you will too.
I don't remember not being able to feed the horses or your horse missing the hurdles when you press the JUMP button. Please fix this! (I'm 2 years older now!)
This game is awesome i think you should be able to get more money easier without paying real money
I love it
Its a lovely game
I love i t because I love horses
Won't let me jump
Extremely laggy
It is amazing
I hated it. I love horses but they go SO SO SO slow in the game.
It is the most boring game I have ever played
I litretly pressed the jump button but my horse gets stuck in the jump thing post! I hate this game. No matter what my horse gets stuck in the jump thing post!
awesome. I like this game but could put a green pony lol
When you jump, it doesnt actually take you over it and itis too hard to get it to start running again and when i came in second place it told me i was in last
Could have been better, but was a good game. Ponies lagged quite a bit. P.S. people should stop saying I hate this so much. Think positive:-)
I can't even go over the stupid fence.the ponys are so slow. Who ever made this game needs to try it out before they put it on the market
I so am looking fowod playing this game
Run the pony wouldn't bouge
The game might be fun right now and the game is the hardest thing to complete.
by Z####:
awesome GAME Download now PERFECT DOWNLOAD NOW